Last week, Meta held its first Gaming Summit in India, which is a milestone that highlights the growing importance of the gaming industry to the company. The summit took place in Mumbai and featured findings from a survey conducted in December 2023, which examined consumer trends in India's gaming industry. The survey included 2,019 respondents aged 18–64 from 75 cities in India, with over 1,000 casual gamers and over 800 real-money gamers among the participants.
The summit held in Mumbai to highlight the gaming industry's latest trends and the role of Meta platforms in shaping gamers' preferences. The summit also unveiled consumer insights from a commissioned study by GWI, an audience-research company, and the launch of the "Gaming Playbook" report on the Indian gaming ecosystem.
These findings show the impactful role of Meta platforms, especially that of Reels, video ads, and influencers in helping gamers discover and purchase new games. The findings were revealed at Meta’s inaugural Gaming Summit in India, where the role of AI-powered ad tools in driving growth for gaming brands was also highlighted.
Sandhya Devanathan, the company's India managing director, said that the gaming industry is a key player in India's journey towards becoming an $8 trillion economy, and that gaming could be worth almost $7.5 billion by 2025, generating 250,000 jobs.
The summit also shed light on the following:
- 82% of people surveyed have followed a business after watching Reels
- 74% of people surveyed have messaged a business after seeing their Reels
- 77% of people surveyed have purchased a product or service after watching Reels
- 97% of people surveyed have shared Reels with friends or family
Key Insights from the Meta-Commissioned Study by GWI on Gaming:
- Gaming is becoming more prevalent across India: The study revealed that 6 in 10 smartphone gamers game daily, and almost 90% of real-money gamers play real-money games at least weekly. The study also showed that nearly half of casual gamers and 43% of Real-money gamers come from non-metro geographies.
- Meta’s role in driving discovery of new games: We play a crucial role in helping gamers discover and purchase new games. More than three out of four casual and real money gamers in India discover new games to play and purchase on social media, and more than 90% of these do so on the Meta platforms, as per the study. Reels, ads, and influencers play a leading role in driving this discovery.
- Key moments for Gamers: The festive season and sporting events impact game types played, according to the study. 88% say they’re more likely to switch from playing other real-money games to playing fantasy sports games during tentpole sporting events such as IPL and World Cup.
- Technologies that Gamers love: Artificial intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) are the top three gaming technologies that most interest casual gamers in India.
- The evolving technology and customer behaviour have opened countless opportunities for the Gaming industry in India. The insights from the study can empower Gaming brands to build marketing plans that are more likely to connect with gamers and also deliver on key business outcomes.
- Casual gamers: 1,176 internet users aged 18-64 who have played a video game on a smartphone/tablet, PC/laptop, console or another device in the last month, but have NOT played a real-money game in the last month
- Casual smartphone/tablet gamers: 1,026 internet users aged 18-64 who have played a video game on a smartphone/tablet in the last month, but have NOT played a real-money game in the last month
- Real-Money gamers: 843 internet users aged 18-64 who have played a real-money game in the last month.
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