In March 2015, Bharti Airtel won spectrum worth Rs 29,129.08 crore in the auctions but had paid Rs 11,374.7 crore. The upfront amount due was Rs 7,832.20 crore.
Airtel has made two rounds of prepayments of Rs 8,815 crore and Rs 8,024 crore in March 2022 and end-July 2023, respectively, leveraging much lower-cost financing avenues available to cut annual interest payouts. Before that in December 2021, Airtel had cleared all dues relating to spectrum purchases in 2014, by prepaying Rs 15,519 crore to the telecom department.
Since the start of this year, Bharti Airtel stock has risen close to about 15%, reaching an all-time high.
About Airtel
Headquartered in India, Airtel is a global communications solutions provider with over 500 million customers in 17 countries across South Asia and Africa. The company ranks amongst the top three mobile operators globally and its networks cover over two billion people. Airtel is India’s largest integrated communications solutions provider and the second largest mobile operator in Africa. Airtel’s retail portfolio includes high-speed 4G/5G mobile broadband, Airtel Xstream Fiber that promises speeds up to 1 Gbps with convergence across linear and on-demand entertainment, streaming services spanning music and video, digital payments and financial services. For enterprise customers, Airtel offers a gamut of solutions that includes secure connectivity, cloud and data center services, cyber security, IoT, Ad Tech and cloud-based communication. For more details, visit
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