Mexican space agency, Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM), has made a request to Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) to help build and launch a remote sensing satellite for Mexico.
At a recent meeting between Dr. Salvador Landeros Ayala, Director General of AEM and ISRO Chairman S. Somanath, the the AEM chief sought India’s support in building and launching a remote sensing satellite for Mexico.
At a recent meeting between Dr. Salvador Landeros Ayala, Director General of AEM and ISRO Chairman S. Somanath, the the AEM chief sought India’s support in building and launching a remote sensing satellite for Mexico.
Established in 2010, the Mexican space agency is in early stage and does not have infrastructure yet.
ISRO will work on Mexican space agency's proposal with the Ministry of External Affairs’ (MEA) support.
In 2015, AEM signed a launch contract with a U.S. based SpaceTech company Astrobotic Technology for a lunar space mission. However, AEM will now launch it in 2023.
The first "satellite" launched by AEM, and from Mexican territory, was Nanoconect-1, which was launched in December 2017. Nanoconect-1 is a stratospheric balloon flight carrying a gondola.
The Mexican space agency has also thanked ISRO for developing a mobile application for forest fire monitoring and sharing it with Mexican Forest Department.
AEM Chief sought India’s support in building and launching a remote sensing satellite for Mexico. India’s interest in expanding space cooperation in the Latin American and Caribbean region through ALCE was also discussed in a virtual meeting held in late last month.