In A 1st in the World, Switzerland Considering Banning EVs During Winters
Electric vehicle is being promoted worldwide. But there is a country mulling to ban electric vehicles. Switzerland may be the first country in the world to ban electric vehicles.

Switzerland is considering banning electric vehicle to avoid the energy shortage in winter season. Electricity supplies in Switzerland are imported from neighboring countries France and Germany and this year France and Germany themselves are facing energy, due to which Switzerland may have problems in supplying natural gas.

As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues since February, there has been an increased possibility of scarcity of gas in European countries. In the last several decades, France has to meet its need by importing energy for the first time.

The Swiss Federal Electricity Commission said in June this year that there could be a problem in supplying solar power in winter. Not getting electricity from the French Nuclear Power Generation can increase the risk of energy crisis in the country.

According to the media reports, the Swiss authorities have proposed an Ordinance called the 'Ordinance on Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Use of Electric Energy'.

At the moment, the ordinance is only a proposal that the Swiss Federal Council is preparing to adopt in preparation for a potential energy shortage in the country. If the country faces an energy crisis, it outlines four stages of escalation. Only at the third level of escalation, the restrictions on EVs will become effective.

According to Switzerland's agency elcom, which is the Switzerland's independent regulatory authority in the electricity sector, EV charging can be banned in Switzerland due to lack of electricity. This step can be taken in order to save electricity in cities. The agency plans that charging electric vehicles can be allowed only in absolute necessacity.

Switzerland's Energy Agency has made a four-stage plan to reduce energy use. The electricity agency of the country has had to take this step as energy demand increases in winter. In Europe, winters are quite colder than south Asian countries' winter, due to which the demand for energy increases the season.

Switzerland has said that the ban on electric vehicles could be a one-time move.

This could be one of the examples on How serious the problem of energy has taken in European countries.


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