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Govt Looking for Pvt Indian Co.s with Innovative Tech in Waste Management

Govt Looking for Pvt Indian Co.s with Innovative Tech in Waste Management

Financial Assistance to Indian Companies for Technology Commercialization.

Evaluation based on Scientific, Technological, Financial and Commercial Merit. 

Financial Assistance in the form of Loan, Equity and/or Grants.

In order to to explore and find affordable and adaptable India-made indigenous technologies for waste management creating a positive socio-economic impact, Technology Development Board, a statutory body of Department of Science & Technology (DST) has initiated a call for proposal in line with vision of Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 to contribute in accomplishment of scientific waste processing for ‘Garbage Free Cities’.

The invitation or call for proposals titled TDB ‘Waste to Wealth’ is in response to the challenge to keep big cities in the country waste free and at the same time generate wealth from waste.

TDB) has invited applications from companies/start-ups with innovative/indigenous technologies offering solutions for managing wastes occurring from Agriculture, Urban cities' population, Industries, and Construction. Solutions that TDB is looking for also include emerging technologies that solve waste management problems using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML).

Financial assistance, in the form of loan/equity or grants, will be provided to select Indian waste-management companies for technology commercialization. The evaluation for selection will be based on scientific, technological, financial and commercial merit and financial assistance will be provided in the form of loan, equity and/or grants.

Applications are invited from Indian companies (registered under the Companies Act 1956/ 2013)  having innovative/indigenous technologies at commercialization stage in waste management sector. The major broad thrust areas are as follows:
  • Municipal Solid Waste
  • Plastic Waste
  • Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste
  • Agricultural waste
  • Biomedical waste
  • E-Waste
  • Industrial Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Wastes
  • Battery waste
  • Radioactive waste
  • AI Based Solutions
The invitation or call for proposals titled TDB ‘Waste to Wealth’ is in response to the challenge to keep big cities in the country waste free and at the same time generate wealth from waste.

Last date to submit the proposal is 03rd July, 2022.
Application are to be submitted online only by clicking the link:
Application procedure &funding: Details are avilable in TDB’s funding guidlines:

With the call, TDB which is a pioneer in helping innovative indigenous technologies, aiming at improving the ease of living for common man, has reached out to help Industry & Academia collaborate to overcome this challenge aiming to realize the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister under Swachh Bharat Mission- Urban 2.0 at making all our cities ‘Garbage Free’.

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