Indian physicist and Emeritus Professor at the Department of Physics, IISER, Pune, Professor Deepak Dhar becomes first ever Indian physicist to receive the prestigious Boltzmann Medal for his contribution in the field of statistical physics. Prof Deepak is one of the two physicists selected for the prestigious award, the second awardee being Prof. John Hopfield from Princeton University.
The award will be given during International Conference on Statistical Physics - Statphys 28 - to be held in Tokyo from August 8 to 12.
We are so proud to tell that Prof. Deepak Dhar (Emeritus Professor) from our Department has been chosen for the Boltzmann Medal! The Boltzmann Medal is awarded once every three years by the Commission on Statistical Physics of the @IUPAP_physics. Many congratulations Deepak!
— IISER Pune Physics (@IiserPphysics) February 24, 2022
The Boltzmann Medal award honours outstanding achievements in Statistical Physics. The recipient should be a scientist who has not received the Boltzmann Medal or the Nobel Prize before.
Prof Deepak is also a Senior Scientist at National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), which is the first Science Academy of India established in 1930. He is an alumnus of University of Allahabad and IIT Kanpur.
The Boltzmann Medal is awarded once every three years by the Commission on Statistical Physics of the C3 Commission on Statistical Physics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) at the Statphys Conference.
Prof Dhar will receive the medal for his seminal contributions to several areas of statistical physics, including exact solutions of self-organized criticality models, interfacial growth, universal long-time relaxation in disordered magnetic systems, exact solutions in percolation and cluster counting problems and definition of the spectral dimension of fractals.
To recall, in May last year, Young scientists at the IISER of Bhopal have invented 'Oxycon', an oxygen concentrator for supplying Oxygen to Covid-19 patients, at a reasonable price of under INR 20,000. Oxycon is claimed to supply 95% pure oxygen.
Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, K VijayRaghavan also tweeted, saying --
Professor Dhar is one of the brightest physicists around. He shares the prize with John Hopfield, of whom the same can be said. From Allahabad University, IIT Kanpur, California University and then TIFR, he has left a great imprint in each place.
More Information at IISER website