Ignite S3 Pro is a one-of-its-kind Bluetooth voice calling smartwatch that also offers features like Business Card and Wallet. Besides in-built mic and speaker, the smartwatch ups the ante as against its predecessor withIn-call feature, the biggest 1.7" HD IPS display in segment, and brightness on 600 Nits with 320x380 display. Designed exclusively for those always on the go, this all-new timepiece with split-screen and customizable widgets comes with an 'Always on Display mode. It has 13 dynamic sport modes along with advanced health features like MET & pressure monitoring.
An entry level smartwatch with industry leading 1.7" screen size, Ignite Pro comes in a host of vibrant yet subtle colour options, such as Blush Pink, Frost Silver, Frost Black, Ice Silver, and Carbon Black. It has a dual theme display, customizable watch faces, and 10 different sport modes. Engineered for advanced health tracking, the budget smartwatch can monitor user's stress levels and temperatures 24x7. The dust and water-resistant IP67 certified smartwatch also has an inbuilt mechanism for notification and call alerts.
The latest offerings by Crossbeats come just days after it unveiled its latest Active Noise Cancellation true wireless earbuds EPIC. Prior to that, the lifestyle brand introduced an Orbit series of smartwatches engineered to meet all healthy lifestyle needs of young Indian millennials.
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