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Startup Plans To Remove 1 Billion Tons of CO2 from Atmosphere by 2035, By Turning It To Stone

California, U.S. - based Heirloom Carbon Technologies is aiming to remove 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2035, using natural processes to engineer the world's most cost-effective Direct Air Capture solution.

To help minerals absorb CO2 from the ambient air in days instead of years, Heirloom will use its own technology to enhance a natural process called Carbon Mineralization, wherein carbon dioxide in the air and water chemically bind to naturally occurring minerals and permanently turn to stone.

Seeing that climate change and its effects has arrived early, the startup says --
Deploying carbon dioxide removal at gigaton-scale is now a requirement if we want to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C. Our solution is built on the foundations of high-quality carbon removal, with social, economic, environmental, and political impacts in mind.
Carbon mineralization is the process by which carbon dioxide (CO2) becomes a solid mineral/ rock, such as a carbonate. It is a chemical reaction that happens when certain naturally abundant minerals are exposed to carbon dioxide. The biggest advantage of carbon mineralization is that the carbon cannot escape back to the atmosphere.

Heirloom accelerates the natural properties of these minerals to permanently remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it safely underground. By combining the best of nature and engineering, we can offer the most cost-effective, scalable direct air capture system in the world.

In this process, widely available and low-cost minerals are used to produce oxides that naturally bind to CO2 at ambient conditions. Then exposed to the air passively rather than relying on energy-intensive and high-cost air contactors.

Last month, Heirloom has raised an undisclosed amount of seed funding from major investors including Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Lowercarbon Capital, and Prelude Ventures. (Industry sources say it’s in the millions.)

In addition, the payment tech firm Stripe, will purchase nearly 250 tons of carbon removal from the company at $2,054 per ton.
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