New Delhi-based mentorship patented platform, MentorKart on Thursday announced that it has raised $150,000 in a seed round. In a statement, MentorKart said it will utilise the funds for go-to-market plans and further enhance its platform, strengthen its tech capabilities, and build new products. The startup is also looking to expand its team across tech, product, and marketing, the statement added.
MentorKart Founders
"We at MentorKart are focussed on our mission to make the youth of India future ready. As we see, there is a huge demand for mentoring among the youth and we believe that in the next few years, MentorKart will become a true cart of mentoring for India's aspiring youth," said Ashish Khare, Founder, MentorKart.
Launched in 2020 by Ashish Khare and SK Mohanty, MentorKart offers specialised mentorship programmes for students, working professionals, and entrepreneurs. The platform also offers learning through live sessions with industry experts, structured workshops, masterclasses, and 1:1 personalised interaction with mentors.
Continuing the pursuit to create, build and nurture the startup ecosystem and economic development in the untapped market of India's Tier II and III cities, Marwari Catalysts Ventures, India's fastest growing accelerator imparts more strength and inspiration to the talented young generation of India by helping entrepreneurs from Tier II and III cities in their startup journey who are otherwise bereft of the quality mentorship and guidance received by startups in metros.
"India has a large startup ecosystem that is key to disruptive innovation and accelerating Indias progress towards an Atmanirbhar Bharat. Most of these startups are led by first-time entrepreneurs who have the passion to drive a change, but dont have the experience to deal with the breadth of challenges they face along the way," said Sushil Sharma, Founder and CEO - Marwari Catalysts.
With MentorKart, the aim is to create a support system to help startups unlock their potential by providing them with the right kind of mentoring that can help them scale their business, learn from experience of existing leaders, open new doors and help them unlock infinite possibilities for a Digital India, he added.
"A mentor helps us accelerate our growth by showing us a clearer path with fewer distractions and obstacles. And a tech platform enabling mentorship is the need of hour in shaping the future of youth of India. Thats where Mentorkart is playing a crucial role," said Devesh Rakhecha, Founder and Director at Marwari Catalysts.
Further adding, Rachit Poddar, Co-founder Marwari Catalysts says, "Mentorship is a tool to save time and resources of an individual in order for them to make well informed choices. Mentors guide you to unleash the hidden potential within you. They challenge your status quo to bring transition in your mindset, wisdom and skills through sharing their cumulative years of experience."
Mentorkart claims to have shown significant traction among its target customers and already thousands of mentees and hundreds of mentors have joined the platform. The startup has plans of global expansions and it is currently in advance talks for the same.
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