The Chennai-based, an online recruitment-tech startup wins the Tamil Nadu Seed Grant Fund (TANSEED) grant from StartupTN, a Tamil Nadu Government initiative, as one of the top 10 emerging startups in the State. It received a seed grant of Rs. 10 lakh for its efforts towards unskilled/low-skilled workers connecting with employers through the use of digital technologies.
StartupTN in association with Headstart Network Foundation presented TANSEED as a Grand Challenge, supporting upto ten startups with a seed grant of Rs. 10 Lakh each.
StartupTN received applications from 1399 companies to win the recognition and business grant for their start-up recently. Nearly 35 shortlisted companies participated in the Bootcamp. The shortlisted companies shared their start-up learning experiences that converged on a single platform.
Through the mobile application or through's dedicated call center, unskilled/semi-skilled job seekers from the blue-collar sector can register their profile for free. The registered job seekers such as drivers, delivery personnel, health, and old-age care providers, clothing/mill workers, machine operators, electricians, carpenters, accountants, and office management personnel can get access to job details instantly. has 1000 plus registered employers, with more than 8000 jobs posted.
To apply for a job, the job seeker can send a WhatsApp message or give a missed call to the number provided on the portal. enquires the candidate's requirements and informs the job seeker about the opportunities through automated calls and messages. ensures pre-screening of the candidates, conducts interviews, and places eligible candidates for blue-collar & entry-level jobs. also extends hiring solutions for business/enterprise as a one-stop-shop for blue-collar/entry-level resource engagements.
Mr. Balamurugan Sundarajan, CEO of said, "It started when we witnessed businesses struggling to recruit and retain blue/grey collar workers. As 70% of jobs in India fall into the blue or grey-collar category, strives to bridge the gap between finding the right resources and placing them with the right enterprises."
"We are committed to helping anyone who wants to help themselves for a better life. Over the past two years, has registered more than 65,000 candidates. We plan to reach out to 50,000 SMEs across the State and have also tied up with Skill India Training Centers to provide free skill training." ensures 24/7 business efficiency through its dedicated call centres that reach job seekers and connect them with businesses.
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