Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture has appointed Leads Connect Services Private Limited, a Noida based Agri-tech company, along with two other independent private agencies -- Agriwatch and IAR Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors Pvt Ltd, to conduct the Crop Cutting Experiments (CCE) in 100 districts across India. This is a part of Government of India’s flagship scheme, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) under which the agency will be conducting large-scale pilot studies for technology-based Gram-Panchayat level yield estimates.
Leads Connect, with its cutting-edge technologies such as Remote Sensing and GIS, artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics frameworks, will co-observe the CCEs conducted by state Government for PMFBY. In addition to this, Leads Connect will conduct few additional CCEs for wheat in various districts of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan, covering Gram Panchayats in 25 districts across these states. This pilot study may be extended to 200 districts from Kharif 2021 which is a part of Government of India Initiative to use technology for precise yield estimation and timely claim settlement under PMFBY scheme.
On the appointment, Mr. Navneet Ravikar, Chairman & Managing Director, Leads Connect Services Private Limited spoke that “this will be a smart union of traditional Random Number based CCEs data collection with a Satellite Remote Sensing technology based Random Smart Sampling methodology. In future there is a strong possibility that new methodology will replace the tradition method and reduce the number of sampling points with a better yield projection model or system. Our nation is a country of small hold/marginal farmers so this will collectively enable accurate and efficient execution of CCE, resulting in timely clearance of claims with a precise production estimates for Agriculture planners.”
About Leads Connect Services Private Limited
LeadsConnect is an analytics company with core focus on Agri-technology driven Data Analysis and Modelling, Risk Management & Financial Services. It aims to connect farm value chain for enabling sustainable, scalable, and profitable agri-business ecosystem. Besides the core focus areas, the organisation has been engaged in research and development-based analytics related to climate and hazard, Landscape, Biodiversity, City, and Geospatial analytics.
Leads Connect has delivered projects related to crop cutting experiments (CCEs), Remote Sensing based Crop Health Monitoring, Crop Acreage, Crop Yield estimates, Risk and Claim Management Services to various central and state organisations, insurers, and reinsurers. In addition, they have delivered projects pertaining to GP level yield estimation using technology. It has used machine learning algorithms and satellite remote sensing analytics to develop framework for yield estimation at GP level. They are currently monitoring CCEs for PMFBY in more than 100 districts across India along with Geotagging of Agriculture Infrastructures in 125 districts for NABCONS, a wholly owned subsidiary of NABARD.