Mahindra & Mahindra on Thursday said it hopes to have a prototype of an automated version of bag valve mask ventilator, commonly known as Ambu bag, in three days for approval to assist in combating the coronavirus pandemic.
The company said it is also working with two large PSUs along with an existing manufacturer of high spec ventilators to help them simplify design and scale up capacity.
Sharing the company's two-pronged approach in its efforts to prevent shortage of ventilators, M&M Managing Director Pawan Goenka said,"At one end, we along with two large PSUs are working with an existing manufacturer of high spec ventilators to help them to simplify design and scale up capacity. Our engineering team is right now with them working on it."
In a series of tweets, he further said,"at other end we are working on an automated version of the Bag Valve Mask ventilator (commonly known as Ambu bag). We hope to have a Proto ready in 3 days for approval. Once proven this design will be made available to all for manufacturing."
On Sunday, Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra had said to help in the response to the unprecedented coronavirus threat, Mahindra Group will immediately begin work on how its manufacturing facilities can make ventilators.
Goenka said,"We at Mahindra are overwhelmed with pouring in of support from individuals and companies for our effort to make available ventilators." Mahindra had also offered the facilities of the group's hospitality arm. PTI RKL
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