Netrika FZC is UAE’s premier fraud investigation and anti-counterfeit operations agency.

“We were able to recently catch good quantity of Simba and Fukukawa counterfeit motorcycle spare parts. Seized items included tubes, spark plugs, brake shoes, clutch plate, gaskets and chain adjusters. All these fake items can cause severe injuries to the riders,” said a Netrika FZC spokesperson.
“The counterfeit items belonged to Dubai Sky Motorbike trading LLC, a Dubai company known to sell poor quality counterfeits. This is not the first time that this company has been caught. Last year too in two raids, conducted in April and June, resulted in the confiscation of Simba counterfeit products. The company was criminally charged in both cases and found guilty. Despite being caught twice it continues to sell sub-standard products and deceive customers,” a spokesperson for brand owner Simba and Fukukawa said.
Commenting on the seizures, a spokesperson for Netrika India said, “We are happy that the Dubai police took quick and timely action and made sure that the culprits were brought to task and counterfeit products seized. We will continue to do this for our clients and also do our bit for the society – in India or wherever else we are working outside.”