WizCounsel helps People & Small Businesses hire & manage freelance Legal, Tax & Accounting experts according to your budget and needs. The platform functions as a marketplace and a SAAS to help people hire the right Legal & Accounting experts - Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and Business Experts and get work done seamlessly using inbuilt work management framework.
The raised funds will be used for marketing, sales and to strengthen current operations.
Talking about starting WizCounsel, Ranu Gupta, Founder & CEO, said “People still look for professional services the way they used to 15 years back and Professionals still develop a business the same way. This is a perfect “that’s how it has always been opportunity”. It is a big industry that is outdated and badly in need of improvement for speed, convenience, affordability, and quality”.

WizCounsel is an online market network that helps People & Small Businesses hire & manage freelance Legal, Tax & Accounting experts according to your budget and needs. The platform functions as a marketplace and a SAAS to help people hire the right Legal & Accounting experts - Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and Business Experts and get work done seamlessly using inbuilt work management framework.
“It is going to be all about the Internet. People are already using it to order food, to book doctors, etc. and I am sure they will start looking for services from CAs and Lawyers or even Accountants online. Many directories exist, but the thing is there must be a platform to give them much more confidence about how they deal with experts for their work.” Said Kapil Dev, the legendary Cricketer.
Commenting on Investment, Manas Fuloria, Founder & CEO, Nagarro said “Individuals or small companies seeking legal, tax or accounting help are automatically on the back foot because of “information asymmetry”. They typically do not know what exact services to ask for, how much to pay, how to monitor timelines and effort, and how to evaluate the quality of decisions. WizCounsel aims to even this asymmetry by giving the client more control over the search, service and payment journey.”
WizCounsel was launched in March this year and is currently running in Beta. Till now, the platform has more than 100 verified professionals across different cities out of 600 total applications and has generated a total transaction value of approximately Rs. 3 Lacs.
Speaking on his Investment, Sunil Kumar Gupta, Founder & Chairman, SARC Associates said WizCounsel empowers young Accountants & lawyers who have always found it extremely tough to generate business for themselves. A lot of Young professionals can work more passionately at a lesser price with the same quality. Like engineering & design teams, Businesses can form distributed finance & legal teams to cut on cost, improve quality and transparency.
The platform offers a variety of services right from simple Income Tax Filing to outsourcing whole Legal & Accounting work for a business.
Talking more about the Startup, Ranu said “The concept of sharing economy has impacted every industry the hardest way possible but professional services still remain on the backseat. It is going to be one unified internet connected global workforce and an innovative approach is required to figure out how the Legal & Tax Industry serves the next generation. The major aspect missing is the reassurance & confidence for clients with respect to their work. If we can track the delivery of our food, why shouldn’t we track the delivery of a shareholding agreement or monthly accounting MIS? This is where WizCounsel makes a huge difference. The vision is to create an open, affordable and a reassuring Tax, Legal & Compliance Eco-system for all.