While Great Manager Institute™ is known for its Great People Manager Study in association with Forbes India, where it evaluates organizations and its managers and comes up with the coveted list of recognized Great People Managers and Companies, it is also developing a platform that acts as AI-powered lifetime digital coach and profiler for people managers.

In order to help the company execute its global plans of redefining people management, Sanjay Mehta, ex-Managing Director of Teleperformance India, one of the largest BPOs in the world and part of the 5.3 billion USD group, has joined its Advisory Board.

A veteran of the BPO industry, Mehta has led Teleperformance India as its Managing Director since 2001 to 2019. He has spear-headed the company’s ascent to one of the most focused, people-prime organization in the industry and is known for re-wiring the concept of Human Resources in the company. Recently, Teleperformance was in news for its 1 billion USD+ acquisition of another leading BPO player headquartered in Mumbai, Intelenet Global Services.

Ashwin Srivastava, cofounder of Great Manager Insitute™, adds about the reason of association with Mehta, “Sanjay is a well-known leader across industries, known primarily for his focus on people. His values about people match perfectly with that of Great Manager Institute and he is someone who can help shape global strategies of the company through his inputs as a possible user of our products."

Mentioning further about this association, Mehta adds, “I am very pleased and excited to associate with Great Manager Institute. This company is taking a new look at people management and I have been a believer and practitioner of their beliefs and solutions."

Sanjay will also be a Guest of Honor at Great People Manager Awards, India’s largest awards honouring people managers, where leaders such as Dilipkumar Khandelwal, MD of SAP India and Ravinder Rana of Concentrix India shall be honoured. The Awards are scheduled to take place on July 26th.

Great Manager Institute provide certification to managers through a unique personalized and contextualized learning intervention program that starts with people management profiling of the managers. Its certification program can be driven by Artificially Intelligent Coach, or a combination of AI Coach and Human Mentors, or through high-profile human mentors alone.

The company has been on an expansion spree with ex-HR leaders such as Kumkum Nongrum, ex-HR Head of Royal Bank of Scotland, joining the company as its Senior Associate.

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