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Indian Universities, Colleges to Soon Start Entrepreneurship Courses to Foster Startup Culture in Students

Its a fact that the startup revolution has already started in India so much so that even school goers are starting their own ventures instead of dreaming a corporate jobs, as were the case in 90s. However, it is also a fact that these fresh high school or even college graduates are falling short when it comes to implementation due to the fact that they are unaware of certain preliminary exercises that every new entrepreneurs has to go by.

Be it market research, time management, competitor analysis or contingency planning, there is no entrepreneurship study material in the curriculum of entire Indian education system and till date Indian universities merely aims to prepare students for being a good candidates for regular day jobs.

Now however in a silver lining to this dark educational framework, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), an India's statutory body and national-level council for technical education, has initiated a policy under which universities and colleges along with their normal courses will start entrepreneurship courses to foster startup culture among them.

AICTE Chairman Anil D Sahasrabudhe announced, "We need to bring students into 'start-up culture' and provide a platform where they can convert their bright ideas into innovation. We should focus on start-ups. The AICTE has made its own start-up policy through which universities and colleges along with their normal courses will start entrepreneurship courses."

According to Sahasrabudhe, the role of the AICTE was not just of a regulator but also as a facilitator committed to improving the quality of technical education. He also said that laboratories and research centres should be opened for 24 hours so that students can do research and draw new ideas.

"We should create a support system for students, including more internship or skill programme, to hone their skills," he said while addressing a gathering on the occasion of the 51st annual day of the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR).

The AICTE Chairman also assured that the council will support NITTTR for the qualitative improvement of technical education in the country.

He further said that the Indian students have a lot of potential and they just need to identify and channelize their ideas in the right direction.

It is however unclear that till when and in what exact time-frame this "Entrepreneurship Course" will begin in colleges across the country. As it is also fact of the matter that India has snail's speed when it comes to implementation of any new policy.

Last November, AICTE had announced to set up online community portals to connect more than 10,000 technical institutes across India to provide students with better opportunities at entrepreneurship, networking, jobs, internships, faculty capability building, higher education and social causes through these portals. To implement this, the council partnered with Fourth Ambit, a startup from Kerala.

In September last year, AICTE and HRD ministry had accepted the recommendations for revising the syllabi for engineering and technical institutes in the country. According to this, all engineering colleges will get new Syllabi including Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Earlier today, we reported that AICTE has mandated all its affiliate institutions to set up innovation clubs to foster ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking in a bid to boost the Make in India initiative, govt. of India's ambitious plan to give boost to local manufacturing and entrepreneurship in India.

Via ~ Jagran Josh
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