Srivastava, who hails from Ranchi, the state capital of Jharkhand in northeast India, used linguistic interpretation (LI), artificial intelligence (AI), visual data and facial recognition systems to develop 'Rashmi', the humanoid robot and perhaps India's answer to 'Sophia'.
Rashmi functions under a specially designed software and linguistic interpretation system developed by me. The LI programme analyses the feeling of the conversation while AI program analyses the conversation to extract the response from the device," Srivastava told Hindustan Times.
He claims to have developed this world's first Hindi speaking robot in two years at a meager cost of about $700 (~ Rs.48,000).
Srivastava, who is an MBA, has experience of more than 15 years in software development. He claims to have developed e-Nibandhan portal for registration department, which received Scotch award, e-library for information and public relation department, tourism portal for tourism department, which won national tourism award.
"It will take another month to give it the complete shape of a human. The head and body have been developed and they are functioning properly. The process is on to add hands and legs to it,"
— Sanjoy Dey (@sanjoy_dey25) August 2, 2018
Although there are many locally developed robots in India including - intelligent robot called Mitra, who greeted US President's daughter Ivanka Trump, on the occasion of Entrepreneurshhip Summit held in Hyderabad last year.
However, it is a fact that none of the robots built to date can speak Hindi or any Indian languages for that matter.
Other Made in India Robots
A couple of months back, Vistara airlines launched ‘RADA’, a robot aimed at helping the airline offer an enhanced on-ground service to the airline's customers.
Last December, a Hyderabad-based robotics startup, H-Bots Robotics, unveiled world’s first smart policing robot, which was fully developed in India.
In March last year, a bunch of students from Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune, developed a cognitive assistant robot called 'Chintu' powered by IBM Watson Technology.
Via - Sputnik News
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