Tech giant Google is launching a new four-month training programme for gaming startups and developers in South-East Asia including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, to successfully build, scale, launch and market the next generation of hit mobile games.

In a blog post, the company announced that the initiative called Indie Games Accelerator, which will be a four-month programme for independent game developers. The new programme will provide an opportunity to work with mentors from Google and the gaming industry.

In its blog post, Google said that emerging markets like India contribute more than 40% of game installs on Google Play - the app store for Android devices. It also said that there is “rapid smartphone adoption” in these areas.

This four month program is a special edition of Launchpad Accelerator, designed in close collaboration with Google Play, featuring a comprehensive gaming curriculum and mentorship from top mobile gaming experts, said the blog post.

Successful participants will be invited to attend two all-expense-paid gaming bootcamps at the Google Asia-Pacific office in Singapore, where they will receive personalized mentorship from Google teams and industry experts. Additional benefits include Google Cloud Platform credits, invites to exclusive Google and industry events, and more.

Interested startups and developers can apply here by 31 July and the results will be announced on 8 August.

As part of the programme, the developers would get two all-expenses-paid gaming bootcamps at the tech giant's Asia-Pacific office in Singapore.

They will also get access to Google Cloud Platform credits and invites to exclusive company and industry events, as well as the opportunity to be showcased on Google Play, the company said.


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