The AI task force, headed by IIT Madras' V Kamakoti, has made a six-part recommendation in its 76-page report. While AI has been making headlines globally for taking away jobs, the report instead, quoting various studies, said, that AI could create jobs in the country that would be higher than the number of jobs becoming redundant due to innovation in technology. Notably, an MIT Review report also suggested the same that AI will not eliminate jobs.
The report further said that areas like fintech, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, national security and education have been listed as part of the ten broad categories where implementation of AI could solve large scale problems.. India, in total, has over 750 startups using AI, machine learning, big data, and the current AI industry is estimated to be worth $180 million of revenue, annually.
“The most important challenge in India is to collect, validate, standardise, correlate, archive and distribute AI-relevant data and make it accessible to organisations, people and systems without compromising privacy and ethics,” said the 72-page report.
The report in a nutshell suggested in a broader sense that -- "AI should be seen as a scalable problem solver than just only a booster for economic growth."
The other suggestion that the report makes are as follow:
- Set up a 5-year National Artificial Intelligence Mission with a budget of Rs. 1,200 crore budget, which will as a nodal agency for coordinating all AI related activities in India
- The Mission will also set up alliances between academia, startups, industry players and government ministries.
- The mission will also fund AI awareness by organising AI yatras in rural India and build talent pools through talent conferences (Hack-a-mela)
- The mission will also set up Centers of Excellence across the country.
- Data banks and data exchanges to be set up to ensure availability of cross industry data and information
- Policies to be put in place to enable development and deployment of AI based products
- Participation internationally to shape international policy discussions around AI
- Work on bilateral partnerships with countries like Canada, Japan, Singapore, Israel, Germany, Russia, US and UK to develop AI solutions to social and economic problems
To recall, India’s IT ministry has also constituted four committees to thoroughly study on various aspects of Artificial Intelligence for citizen use. Moreover, India has also joined hands with Japan to launch robotics and artificial intelligence in the defense segment.
Additionally, in financial budget 2018, the finance minister had asked the Niti Aayog to initiate a national programme to direct government's efforts in the area of AI. In the budget 2018, the Digital India fund has been doubled To Rs. 3073 crore, which include AI and Robotics, and establishment of centres of excellence for research, training and skilling in robotics, artificial intelligence, digital manufacturing, big data analysis, quantum communication and internet of things (IoT).
Last month PM Modi launched India's first AI research centre for social good followed by announcement made by tech giant Adobe to establish an AI Lab in Hyderabad.
Via - Times of India
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