In a two minute video titled “A tale of two Indian tech cities” where the video started saying Hyderabad -- Asia’s Silicon Valley, then the video projects an ambulance and its services which were being looked after a startup called Stan Plus, which further explains why it like the city and why they chose Hyderabad over Bengaluru, which for years, has enjoyed a reputation as India's Silicon Valley.
StanPlus co-founder Antoine Poirson says transportation is a big issue in Bengaluru, which removes some of the ‘agile benefits of being a small competitor’.
Stating that gridlocked traffic and inadequate infrastructure are affecting quality of life is affecting the life in Bengaluru, Poirson compares it with Hyderabad and says, "Hyderabad is ‘very vibrant and dynamic. There is lots of government support. Ease of doing business is a fact, and bureaucracy has been reduced. There is a lot of support for startups."
BBC News story on how Hyderabad is giving Bangalore a run for its money as a start-up destination in India.
— Min IT, Telangana (@MinIT_Telangana) February 16, 2018
- A tale of two Indian tech cities
Although Bengaluru may still have more deals and tech entrepreneurs, Hyderabad is narrowing that gap, says the BBC News video, produced by Pamela Parker and Medhavi Arora.
It also said Hyderabad has been recognized as Indias Best city In terms of quality of Living for the three years in a row 2015-2016-2017 and Bangalore was ranked third in 2017.
BBC further said that Hyderabad’s local government is going all out by funding tech incubators and academic partnerships. Later in the video T-Hub chief officer Srinivas Kollipara said “we have grown T-Hub with a plan in place,we have grown it in such a way that everything is integrated and building through hitting each other’s milestones, and its a fact that we had governments support,its been done in a programmatic manner and people here are willing to really help each other out and that’s the difference between us and Bangalore.”
With 70,000 square foot building called CatalysT, Hyderabad's T-Hub is currently India’s biggest startup incubator and recently claimed to become the biggest in the world, by mid of 2020.
Last month, a promising Hyderabad-based startup called Banyan Nation, got global limelight when it was shortlisted for prestigious awards at World Economic Forum. The startup was selected for its proprietary plastic cleaning technology that converts collected plastic waste into near virgin quality recycled granules called 'Better Plastic'.
Earlier, an another Hyderabad startup, H-Bots Robotics launched the world's first smart policing robot, which is fully 'Made in India', using all the components sourced from within the country.
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