Created by Zone Startups India, Pitch Right is being launched as a web series comprising of 13 episodes with 13 different entrepreneurs, selected through an application process, will be in real-elevator with Sanjay Mehta, an angel investor. As part of this initiative, entrepreneurs have been given 45 seconds to make an elevator pitch to Sanjay Mehta, Director, Core Media and investor in Cryptocurrencies, which will be followed by a detailed feedback to the entrepreneur.
The idea of doing PitchRight is to help entrepreneurs understand how to make their elevator pitch perfect and make the most of 40 odd seconds in a lift with an investor. Each entrepreneur will be scored by Sanjay and the ones scored between 8 -- 10 will make it to the finale.
A one-on-one, 45 seconds pitch will take place inside an elevator in the BSE building in South Mumbai as part of the program. The elevator goes up to 18 floors, to the front desk of Zone Startups India situated in the same building. The pitch will be recorded by Zone Startups India and will be released on its YouTube channel, and other media, as a part of Pitch Right Web Series. Each episode will be of 5 minutes and aired every Monday.
“Very innovative initiative, an unscripted show which puts founders and investors both on spot. It will be a thrilling experience for founders to be able to pitch their dreams and garner full attention of investor for short time. This will definitely give founder’s a chance to shine,” said Sanjay Mehta, an angel investor.
On asking what made him come on-board of this web series, Sanjay Mehta said, "Elevator pitch is pre-prepared speech by founders that explains what their organization does, clearly and succinctly to investors & get their attention. Founders with vision clarity will be able to articulate their idea in simple ways. As an investor I am excited to meet those founders and listen to their disruptive idea. If it spark's interest then I will evaluate to fund them."
This initiative will culminate with a grand finale event with the chosen entrepreneurs being given a chance to show their product demo to an esteemed jury for the first time. A winner will be picked who stands to win a cash prize.
We will soon showcase the selected 13 entrepreneurs who will get to be 1-on-1 with Sanjay Mehta for an elevator pitch each on Monday.
Stay Tuned !
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