How ahead, you ask? Well, according to a Capgemini report, titled Turning AI into concrete value: the successful implementers’ toolkit, over 58 per cent of the companies that are making use of AI in the country are doing it at a scale, meaning they have gone beyond the step of testing pilots and carrying out test projects and are now using the emerging tech at a larger scale in their firms.
Interestingly, India's glowing AI report card isn't a result of only Indian companies and Indians. The report unearthed that one of the primary reasons that the country is leading the artificial intelligence race is because the phenomenal work the local offices/innovation centres of US firms such as Accenture, Microsoft, and Adobe are doing in the country. In 2016, India became the second-largest global site for new centres, after the US. So, while, there's no denying the fact that India is ahead of various countries in AI implementation, but the country alone cannot take the credit for the success.

While India occupied the numero uno rank with 58 per cent companies using AI at scale, Australia with 49 per cent occupied the second position, Italy took the third spot with 44 per cent, Germany took fourth with 42 per cent, UK came in fifth at 35 per cent and interestingly, US, the country that boosts of having the Silicon Valley, the place which houses the tech giants of the world, came in sixth at 32 per cent. India was the only country on the list which had over half of the companies using AI at scale.
According to the report, Modi government's Digital India initiative, which has lead to the creation of a favourable regulatory environment for increased use of AI in the country, also deserves some credit for India's phenomenal performance on the list.
The increasing usage of AI has evoked mixed responses from the general population of the country. While some are happy with the progress the country is making, others are fearful that the technology might render them jobless in years to come.
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