If you still believe that becoming an entrepreneur is an easy task, then you are wrong. Entrepreneurs life juggles between the office files, meetings, networking to scale its company to write his success history. When you're running a startup, everybody has certain expectations from you. Your founding team, your employees, your investors as well as your family. There's a lot of mental perseverance which is demanded in such situations. And in a race to maintain everyone's expectations, entrepreneurs tend to forget themselves and are stuck in the stressful world of startups.
I am sure you must be thinking how successful entrepreneurs keep pace with their life while keeping work-life balanced? Is it a book, coffee, drink with a friend, family outing or fun trips that unwind these successful entrepreneurs and keep them stay focused. So, to find out the answer to this, IndianWeb2 interacted with some startup founders to know how they unwind themselves from their hectic schedule. Read here, what they have to say:
I Spend Time Alone
Hammad Jilani, Founder and CEO, Dogether
''In my opinion, startups are extremely difficult. All the odds are against you. From building a team to developing the MVP, to getting traction and user retention: everything is against you. In such times, it is necessary for the founder to keep his calm. In situations of stress, I usually like to spend time alone, clear out my mind and think fresh. I travel frequently which helps me relax.”
A Long Drive With My Family
Ankush Arora, Director and Co-founder, PLACIO
“Entrepreneurs rarely think of relaxing. They often live and breathe their businesses. However, unwinding themselves gives the necessary energy to face the upcoming challenges in their business. My idea to unwind is simple – a long drive with my family, catching up friends or stay hooked to any digital platform that excites me. A little relaxation is enough to keep my productivity up and let the creative juices flow.”
I Try To Steal Some Moments To Read
Purba Kalita, Co-founder, SaleBhai.com
"I choose to begin my day with what is an essential part of life -- workout. It comprises running, stretching, free hand exercises, and currently, I am also undergoing martial arts (Shōrin-ryū) training. That's followed by meditation, which helps me put the day's work in perspective. As most of the time work stretches beyond office hours, I don't have to then worry about missing my exercise. I apply the same logic here that people associate with work: never keep away something for later if you can do it now. Simply because you never know if you can make the time for it later. I also enjoy swimming but since it's an evening activity for me, I can catch up with it only occasionally, mostly weekends. I also love to read, so I try to steal some moments for it after work."
Go Out For Cycling and Swimming With My kids
Gurinder Bhatti, Chairman and Managing Director, ESS Global
"After a hectic day at work, I love spending quality time with my kids and family. Generally, I go out for cycling and swimming with my kids. I personally feel for a healthy mind you need to be fit. So I never miss my gym workout. No matter how tired I am I regularly go to the gym which helps me in relaxing. And last but not the least I am an avid reader and I make sure that every day I am devoting at least 30 minutes daily towards reading as it refreshes the mind."
Cycling Is Like Meditation For Me
Bhavishya Wadhawan, Founder, 98fit
“I believe in the quote, ‘Nothing great in the world has ever been achieved without passion’. My work is my passion. However, I do keep a part of the week for my other interests such as playing guitar and drums. I am an avid cyclist and it is like meditation for me which provides me peace and energy to achieve more in life. Cycling, playing squash and badminton with friends helps me unwind. I certainly spend time with my family which is most important part of my life.”
My 7-year-old Son Is My Stress Buster
Vijaybabu Gandhi, Co-founder, Flintobox.com
“Whenever I need to unwind, I switch off my phone and play with my seven-year-old son, Aadhav. A good time with him teaches me what my priorities are, how to live in the present and laugh at simple things in life. I try to look at the world through my son's eyes - he takes me through a different journey, a beautiful one. When I'm with him, I forget the time, targets and outcomes, I roll with the flow and it rejuvenates and revitalizes my day. There is nothing better than getting lost in the world of a child, and becoming a child again!”