In order to sow the seeds of entrepreneurship in the minds of Indian children while they're young, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is considering including Indian Startup ecosystem's success stories like Flipkart, Ola, BigBasket andOYO Rooms etc. into their curriculum.
Recently, CBSE joined hands with Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), a Gandhinagar-based national premier entrepreneurial training institute, to bring together a working group that will be brainstorming to create an educational module and a teacher training programme centred on entrepreneurship for Indian students as a vocational course. The working group has been instructed to wrap up their observations and submit a report on the same before the end of the year.
In a statement given by Dr Sunil Shukla, director, EDII to Economic Times on their latest collaboration with CBSE, he said that EDII has taken the responsibility of providing hand-holding support to schools on curriculum, content, pedagogy of teaching and evaluation besides having substantial focus on live business projects. He further added that, the whole aim behind the initiative is to garner the education system's emphasis on institutionalisation of entrepreneurship education in CBSE schools.
For the unversed, in India, CBSE currently has a system of having five-plus-one subjects, where one subject is an elective. The system is applicable for both, the secondary (class 10) and higher secondary (class 11th and 12).
As of today, CBSE is providing students with 28 vocational courses options to choose from. Out of these 28, one of them is entrepreneur vocational course. Unfortunately, currently, out of the 19,000 CBSE schools that India has overall today, only 512 schools are providing the choice of the entrepreneurial vocational course to their students. This figure cries the sorry state of the country's undisciplined educational system.
According to RK Chaturvedi, chairman, CBSE,in spite of having great demand from both students and parents, CBSE schools aren't able to provide the course mainly due to a lack of readily available educational modules and trained teaching staff. By collaborating with EDII, CBSE is hoping to improve the course's state in Indian education system.
Through the entrepreneurial vocational course, CBSE aims to inculcate entrepreneurial values, innovational temperament and inspire young minds in the country to think beyond the box and encourage them to explore opportunities in the entrepreneurship and technology domain to give birth to their own unique startups.
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