WhatsApp has engulfed the Indian subcontinent like no other nation. The messaging app hit 200 million monthly active users in India this February as the Facebook-owned service continues its dominance in developing markets. In fact, the service has become so popular in the country that for a majority of Indians WhatsApp is India’s internet.
While app store, mobile browser, Google Assistant, Siri, email, Dropbox, etc. are important too but when it comes to India, WhatsApp has acquired a unique status of its own.
According to experts, the app's group messaging capabilities, simple interface and the ability to share any kind of media anytime are few of the things that make the service such a hit among Indians.
Seeing the growing popularity of the app among its Indian users, WhatsApp is currently testing out a “WhatsApp for Business” platform custom built especially for Indian market. But, experts feel that this might just not be enough considering that India is more of a DIFM (do-it-for-me) market rather than a DIY (do-it-yourself) market. Even if WhatsApp does come out with a business platform of its own, its operation will more likely have to be carried out by agencies that provide WhatsApp marketing services to other businesses.
The low-cost customer acquisition tool has proved to be a great promotion tool in India. A living example of the success of the WhatsApp promotion trend is digital health start-up 1mg. Within just two years of its launch, the startup has garnered over 200 million users in India and more than 9 million downloads for its app, which helps users in researching prescription drugs and finding the lowest price possible. The best part of 1mg's success is that its founder Prashant Tandon has not spent a penny promoting his business and all these applaud worthy numbers are courtesy WhatsApp promotion (Read Here).
It seems, now is the right time to move away from the BPO trend and head towards a new one called WPO —WhatsApp Process Outsourcing.
WPO firms could be the next logical step fowler for SMS and email marketing agencies. The firms could engage with and respond to users directly, manage user databases tagged by interest, generate engaging creatives, and even become customer support channels.
For people looking for targeted marketing, they can make use of WhatsApp's true killer marketing feature-groups. WhatsApp groups are a perfect marriage of worth of mouth with ease of use and narrow targeting. In fact, WhatsApp promotion is also being used by Indian political parties in a big way nowadays to capture and retain vote-share by dominating mind-share.
Let's see how big does the WhatsApp trend become in India. Keep watching this space to keep a track of the same.
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