Bangalore based Jonna Venkata Karthik Raja the 18 year old Founder of Paperboy is ecstatic as his 15 months of toil has finally come to fruition. Paperboy is a mobile app that features the widest range of Indian newspapers and magazines that is uploaded on real time on to its platform. Paperboy is a language agnostic platform and will hence feature vernacular publications which is a crucial part of Indian news consumption habits. Paperboy aims to appeal to the global readership base of newspapers and envisions to becoming the ultimate platform to browse, buy and read each one’s local news on the go.
Paperboy is an online news discovery and distribution application that aggregates newspapers and magazines accessible on any platform. It is a marketplace for consumers who prefer print media over digital media. Paperboy was launched with vision to provide readers with first-hand information on the current happenings in their city/town, on their favourite local daily, in any part of the world. The idea was born from a simple idea of the importance of newspapers in all our lives.
Paperboy currently lists over 400 newspapers and magazines nationally and is live on the Google Playstore.
Karthik Raja conceptualized this idea as he was finishing school, when he found that he was missing his daily routine newspaper whenever he was travelling. It wasn’t too late before his entrepreneurial instincts kicked in and he went about developing a blue print for the platform. He then went about enlisting the support of his parents who were very encouraging and supportive of his venture.
Originally launched with just two team members, Paperboy has now grown into a team of 50 young, energetic and enterprising individuals. With their primary focus on Tier 2 and 3 cities, which represents almost 31.16 % of India’s population, Paperboy has already aggregated the widest variety of regional newspapers on their platform.
Adds young Jonna Venkata Karthik Raja - Founder, Paperboy "I conceptualized Paperboy as I found a distinctive correlation between newspaper reading and digital devices. When I found that I was missing my everyday newspaper while travelling, it prompted me to find a solution for this, albeit digitally. Research and discussions with my friends led me to developing the online platform that can present news each day on a screen of your choice. In the long run I am hoping to take this solution to other markets oversees as the platform can easily be scaled to accommodate any language."
With a clean and simple interface, the app contains no pop up ads or interferences, and lets one access their news both in online and offline mode; thus, making it easy to for people to read their favourite newspapers at their convenience. Inspired by the increased adoption of digital content all over the world, Paperboy now brings the daily newspaper tailored to your device, be it Android, iOS or the web. It provides the same experience of reading one’s favourite newspaper but on a screen which is the in-vogue format of choice today.
The platform will provide publishing houses the ability to upload and distribute their publications throughout the country. Uniting newspapers into one application, Paperboy aims to broaden the global readership base of newspapers.
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