Global taxi-hailing giant Uber has managed to beat out its Indian competitor Ola in its own home country. According to data from a research by KalaGato Pte show, US-based Uber has been able to grow its market share in the six months to June at 50 per cent as its rival Ola Cabs has a share of 44.2 per cent.
The data is based on app downloads registered the period in 60 Indian cities, including the top 10 metros in the country besides Tier 1 and 2 cities. Other than Uber and Ola, the research data revealed that Ixigo Cabs has a 4.5 per cent share of the car-hailing market, followed by Meru Cabs at just 1.3 per cent.
The data also highlighted that the race was a close one. According to it, Ola was ahead of Uber in January and February at 51.8% and 48.1% market share, respectively. However, the picture changed in March when its US-based rival raced ahead at 48.9 per cent share, while Ola was left holding just 45.2 per cent in March.
The research data also revealed that during the six months period, the average number of rides per customer stood at 2.95 in case of Ola and 4.38 in case of Uber.
The data also highlighted that when it comes to terms of ride amount, 40.9 per cent of the consumers who availed Uber’s services paid less than Rs. 100, while 22.8 per cent paid in the range of Rs 100-Rs 150. It also revealed that 5.4 per cent of the customers ended up paying ride amount ranging between Rs 250-Rs 300. While 12.5 per cent of Uber’s customers coughed up more than Rs 300 for its car-hailing service.
Coming to Ola, 15.8 per cent customers paid more than Rs 300 for its services, while 31.4 per cent riders paid less than Rs 100 and 15 per cent users paid in the range of Rs 150-Rs 200 for their ride.
It seems, Uber has been able to make a place for itself in the Indian subcontinent, something which it wasn't able to achieve in China. Last year, China's local car-hailing giant Didi Chuxing drove US-based taxi-hailing giant Uber out of its home country. Didi had successfully managed to win a multibillion-dollar and a year-and-a-half-long battle with Uber last year where the giant agreed to sell its business and leave the country.
The data is based on app downloads registered the period in 60 Indian cities, including the top 10 metros in the country besides Tier 1 and 2 cities. Other than Uber and Ola, the research data revealed that Ixigo Cabs has a 4.5 per cent share of the car-hailing market, followed by Meru Cabs at just 1.3 per cent.
The data also highlighted that the race was a close one. According to it, Ola was ahead of Uber in January and February at 51.8% and 48.1% market share, respectively. However, the picture changed in March when its US-based rival raced ahead at 48.9 per cent share, while Ola was left holding just 45.2 per cent in March.
The research data also revealed that during the six months period, the average number of rides per customer stood at 2.95 in case of Ola and 4.38 in case of Uber.
The data also highlighted that when it comes to terms of ride amount, 40.9 per cent of the consumers who availed Uber’s services paid less than Rs. 100, while 22.8 per cent paid in the range of Rs 100-Rs 150. It also revealed that 5.4 per cent of the customers ended up paying ride amount ranging between Rs 250-Rs 300. While 12.5 per cent of Uber’s customers coughed up more than Rs 300 for its car-hailing service.
Coming to Ola, 15.8 per cent customers paid more than Rs 300 for its services, while 31.4 per cent riders paid less than Rs 100 and 15 per cent users paid in the range of Rs 150-Rs 200 for their ride.
It seems, Uber has been able to make a place for itself in the Indian subcontinent, something which it wasn't able to achieve in China. Last year, China's local car-hailing giant Didi Chuxing drove US-based taxi-hailing giant Uber out of its home country. Didi had successfully managed to win a multibillion-dollar and a year-and-a-half-long battle with Uber last year where the giant agreed to sell its business and leave the country.