
Team At IIT-Delhi Develops A Rs.10 Pollution Fighting Device and Got Startup National Award For It

A team of researchers from one of India's most prestigious institute's, IIT Delhi, has successfully developed a cheap solution for one of the gravest problems that mankind is facing today, Pollution. The team of geniuses has created a respiratory filter, which is capable of protecting its users against most of the fine dust and air pollutants for a period of at least eight-hours. The best part, it costs just Rs. 10.

 One cannot forget the day after Diwali in Delhi last year when the national city's air pollution hit dangerous levels creating a cloud of smog over the city for a few following days. This very incident had got everyone in the city so worried that the sales of respiratory masks and filter grew by manifolds overnight. But, one of the problems that many faced with a majority of these masks and filters was that either they were very expensive on the pocket or very uncomfortable in application. IIT Delhi's Nasofilters takes care of both these things.

The product has been developed by assembling millions of small sized pores to create a thin flexible membrane, which is capable of capturing very small particles with high efficiency. According to its creators, the product has been proven to restrict entry of any foreign particulate matter including bacteria and pollen allergens, besides 2.5-micron sized particulate matter.

The creators of Nasofilters compromises of IIT Delhi professors, Manjeet Jassal and Ashwini K Agrawal; its alumni Sanjeev Jain, Prateek Sharma and Tushar Vyas; and a student Jatin Kewlan. Their company, Nanoclean Global Pvt. Ltd., recently won the Startups National Award 2017 by the Technology Development Board for creating a promising new technology to protect against air pollutants and minimize the risk of respiratory diseases. The award was given by the President of India Pranab Mukherjee at a function organised to celebrate the Technology Day on May 11, 2017 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

Commenting on what makes Nasofilters better than any other mask or filter available in the market currently, Prateek Sharma, one of the creators spoke to DH and said that its users experience just one third of the breathing resistance than that they would experience while using face masks and other products available to combat the higher level of air pollution. In addition to this, their respiratory filters are extremely easy to use as one just have to stick it to his or her nasal orifice.

Sharma further added, that the expensive face masks available in the market might be capable of being used for 80 to 100 hours but they are not washable, which makes them an overall expensive buy. On the other hand, Nasofilters
auto-cleans itself every time its user breathes out. Though it can be used for a longer duration, but the creators recommend to replace the old unit with a new unit in 8-10 hours as it would cost just Rs 10 per unit.

The filters, which aim to provide relief to common users from air pollution and to protect people, who are prone to allergies, will be available in the Indian and global market in next two-three months.

You can buy Nasofilters Online Here.
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