Over the last few years, some Indian whiz kids have become famous as they came up with the fresh innovations to compete with the world’s leaders from FinTech realm. Here are top 12 Indian FinTech influencers who are featured in a list of 63 top FinTech influencers disclosed by Fintech Asia, a digital platform based in Singapore. The list is made on the basis of their social media influence or Klout score.
Meet the Top 12 Indian influencers in the FinTech that you must know about:
1. Vijay Shekhar Sharma
Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the Founder& CEO of Paytm Mobile Solutions Private Limited, leads the list with a Klout score of 78. His venture Paytm became a household name in India after Demonetisation and Digitisation announcements made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2016. He has used a disruptive technology platform to change the conventional ways of payments and cash flow.
Total Twitter Followers: 94,500 | @vijayshekhar
2. Prakash Somosundram
Prakash Somosundram, Co-founder & Director, The Singapore FinTech Consortium ranked on the 6th position in the list of FinTech influencers in Asia! He is a serial entrepreneur who aims to facilitate fundraising, mergers & acquisitions, partnerships and exits in an effective and efficient way through his venture “The Singapore FinTech Consortium”. His Klout score is 63.
Total Twitter Followers: 282 | @prakashsomo
3. Aman Narain
Aman Narain, CEO, BankBazaar, International Markets is helping the Indian companies to go global. Beginning with Singapore, he aims to strengthen BankBazaar’s international presence and expanding operations in the promising markets like Philippines, Malaysia, and the UAE. He was the former Global Head of Digital Banking for Standard Chartered. He is ranked on 9th position in the list with a Klout score of 61.
Total Twitter Followers: 1,389 | @amanwhotweets
4. Amit Goel
Amit Goel, Co-Founder & Chief Curator of Let’s Talk Payments (LTP) brings the most comprehensive news and insights for professionals in the FinTech industry covering payments, commerce, and technology etc. , Amit has provided deep insight and advice to several firms that are jewels in the space of payments, commerce, banking, and technology. His Klout score is 61 and ranked 10th on the FinTech Asia list.
Total Twitter Followers: 10,600 | @amitTwitr
5. Suvodeep Das
Suvodeep Das, VP, Marketing at Sodexo SVC India is ranked as the 13th top FinTech influencer in Asia. He has a Klout score of 59. Before coming on board at Sodexo, he led Marketing, Communication, Channel Expansion and Global Innovation at Greenlight Planet.
Total Twitter Followers: 7,173 | @suvodeep
6. Varun Mittal
Varun Mittal, heads Partnership & Marketing at helloPay, a fintech platform incubated by Lazada Group. Earlier, Varun was with Samsung and SingTel, Singapore’s biggest telecom operator, developing mobile payment operations. He has also worked with Microsoft and Gemalto. With a Klout score of 57, Varun Mittal is ranked 17th on the FinTech Asia list of influencers.
Total Twitter Followers: 860 | @analogVarun
7. Shwetank Verma
Shwetank Verma, an innovator at MetLife is driving forward new revenue opportunities and focusing on the application of new technologies (VR/AI) in FinTech and digital health. He is ranked on 29th position in the list of top influencers with a Klout score of 52. He is a start-up specialist who is focusing on bringing new concepts to the financial market and setting them up to scale by combining the concepts of design thinking and lean entrepreneurship.
Total Twitter Followers: 2,226 | @shwetankv
8. Balasubramaniam G D
Balasubramaniam G D, Senior VP, DBS Risk Management Group is a start-up specialist, with expertise in managing and setting up fraud risk management across banks and financial institutions in Asia Pacific Markets. He has over 24 years of experience in this industry knows well risk, audit and fraud related subjects. He stands on 37th postion on the list of FinTech influencers with a Klout score of 48.
Total Twitter Followers: 3,728 | @GDBALA
9. Tejasvi Mohanram
Tejasvi Mohanram, Founder & CEO of RupeePower is at number 39 in the elite list of influencers disclosed the FinTech Asia! RupeePower is redefining the way credit is disbursed to retail borrowers. This venture is creating synergies and a disruptive point-of-sale credit disbursal model that combines speed and precision in matching customers with lending institutions. His Klout score is 48.
Total Twitter Followers: 322 | @tejasvimohanram
10. Sopnendu Mohanty
He has joined as the new Chief Fintech Officer at Monetary Authority of Singapore. He is developing regulatory policies around technology innovation to ‘better manage risks, enhance efficiency and strengthen competitiveness in the financial sector’. He facilitates effective ways of using technology to better manage risks, enhance efficiency and strengthen competitiveness in the financial sector. His Klout score is 47 and position is 41st in the list.
Total Twitter Followers: 880 | @sopnendu
11. Manish Agarwal
Manish Agarwal, VP at Kotak Mahindra Bank provides new direction and strategy for using the interactive channels and helps leverage the same for the benefit of business. He carries two decades of experience in the field of IT & Finance and expert in setting up digital marketing and innovation units. He Ranked 55th on the list with a Klout score of 43.
Total Twitter Followers: 380 | @armagarwal
12. Yosha Gupta
With a Klout score of 41, Yosha Gupta is the only Indian woman to be listed in the prestigious FinTech influencers list. She is the Founder & CEO of LafaLafa, a leading coupon, and cash-back website that rewards customers with extra cashback for online shopping. She has ranked on 59th position in the prestigious list of influencers in FinTech industry.
Total Twitter Followers: 1,055 | @yoshagupta