Mukesh Ambani's Jio has been creating headlines since its launch. Whether it was the introductory free offer or the New Year offer, Jio has awaken the telecom sector like never. It's bouquet of apps that come at no charge to its subscribers, is the telecom newbie's strategy to lure people away from Apple Music, Netflix and a range of various other services. And now, Jio has gone ahead and unveiled a new app called the Jio Health Hub, which is being considered as a rival of Apple's HomeKit, and Google's Health services.
Apple's HomeKit, and Google's Health services have acquired a unique status in the Health-tech sector. For the unversed, the two famous services retrieve medical and fitness information from other similar apps and act as a central dashboard. Apple's HomeKit has also entered into partnerships with various hospitals so as to directly feed patient information via its HealthKit.
According to Jio's app description, all of its data is stored in the cloud which is accessible from anywhere and on any device but with only with a user's secure credentials, meaning one can carry their medical records with them everywhere without having to go through the trouble of carrying physical files, papers, test reports etc.
The app's Health Charts gives its users an option to track their health parameters and easily view trends. It also allows users to view X-Rays, MRI, CT scans right on their phones and thus makes taking second opinion remotely on medical scans easier than ever before.
Just like Apple, Jio has also joined hands with with a number of hospitals and labs, which will be automatically pushing medical records to the Jio Health Hub app. However, the app hasn't yet given a list of the hospitals it has entered into a partnership with.
Currently only available on Google Play Store, the app also allows its users to store all their medical records in the app from the non-partner hospitals, too. According to description given of the app in the Play Store, a user is just required to take a picture of the record using their phone's camera and then simply save the image taken in the Jio Health Hub app.
With the pace at which Jio is growing day by day, it is surely going to become a numero uno player in the Indian telecom sector in sometime soon.
[Images: Google Play Store]
Reliance Jio To Mimmick Apple's HealthKit Features In India
android app
Android Application
Jio Apps
Jio Health Hub
Press Release
Reliance Jio
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