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5 Notable Upcoming Changes in Tech World in 2017

When it comes to the tech world, each year the innovations get better than the previous ones. Considering we just closed our doors to 2016 so as to welcome new possibilities and opportunities in the year 2017, we at decided to make a list of top 5 changes in the tech world that we can expect to witness this year.

1) Cyberspace Rises

This year will witness the creation of a new and separate cyberspace, courtesy mixed reality, augmented reality and virtual reality. Although the technologies have come a long way, they still have a long way to go and conquer. Many software platforms and games' engines now come with default support for Virtual reality.

While the great potential that the three technologies hold is not a secret anymore, but still their application is just limited to entertainment. This year could see them entering the business applications world and revolutionising it completely. The social media world could also go under a massive change with the user experience being as immersive as ever. Tech giants like Facebook, Google etc. investing huge monies in VR is not just a simple coincidence.

2) Internet of Things

While 2016 wasn't such a good year for IoT, 2017 could be the year that Internet of things realises its true potential and break the highly insecure tech image it acquired the previous year.

According to experts, by the year 2020, there will be 20 to 50 billion devices connected to the IoT. Since IoT industry is already a reality and not a newcomer anymore, we can expect it to conquer new heights this year. While the heavy industry and the farming industry has already discovered and accepted the great benefits of IoT, this year we could see IoT entering our office space and transforming it completely. For example, some companies are already working on the concept of digital ceilings wherein normal ceilings will transform into an intelligent data hub to increase productivity, cut down operating costs of the buildings and provide a more personalized environment to workers.

3) The End of the App World

Nowadays, there's an individual app for everything. From cab booking to hotel booking to ordering food, we have an individual app for everything, but this year could see all these apps being replaced by a single virtual assistant. These virtual assistants will be uniting the functionality of all the varying apps that we make use on a day-to-day basis within a device in a single user interface (UI).

4) The Business Revolution

The brand new world of technology isn't restricted just to consumer space, but it has also found a way into our workplace, similar to the way mobile phones, app stores and tablets did during the IT consumerization phase. Hence, companies need to take an action now or risk the fear of standing on the sidelines forever.

Companies will have to acknowledge the importance of new techs like AI, IoT, VR, AR etc. and start incorporating them in their daily functioning to keep at pace with the changing world.

5) AI for the Masses

Artificial Intelligence will see major growth this year and can be expected to make more and more contributions in the business world. Hyper intelligent virtual assistants, biometric security software and applications that will be fully able to understand human speech will now come at the forefront.

Microsoft has already made a free deep learning toolkit available on the popular code sharing site Github, which resonates with the company’s strategy to make Artificial Intelligence available to the general masses. Anyone can make use of the toolkit to develop smart apps that can learn from their interactions with humans and other computers.

AI can make the ideas of applications that that fully understand human speech, or security softwares that function on the basis of facial recognition soon become a reality. In fact, banks are already making use of chatbot applications to attend to common customer enquiries. This year, we could witness AI entering in almost every part of an organization.
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