The term, first coined in the year 1985 by Peter T. Lewis in a speech given at the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), represents a network of physical objects that are embedded with internet connectivity enabling them to collect and exchange information. To put it simply, one can say that IoT is an integration of process, people, and technology, with sensors and connectable devices that end up enabling remote monitoring, manipulation, status and evaluation of trends of such devices.
Applications of IoT
Smart Cities
When our phones, cars and refrigerators are becoming smarter by the day, vying a Smart city wouldn't be called a far-fetched dream, would it? Some of the IoT applications for smart cities include monitoring the condition of the material of the building and finding about the parking spaces availability. The future could see IoT being used to give birth to intelligent highways giving travellers warning messages of unexpected events like traffic jams or accidents and having intelligent weather with adaptive lighting on the streets.
Smart Home
Being considered as the highest gainer when IoT comes into full action, IoT has the potential of enabling almost everything present in our homes connected to the internet. IoT allows us to enable various automation services in our homes like tap water quality detection, avoiding thefts, home monitoring system, and remotely control all our home appliances.
Smart Health Monitoring
IoT will extend a significant helping hand when it comes to healthcare. It can be employed to monitor pulse, blood pressure, and heart rate, 7 days in a week and 24 hours in a day. The information then collected can be passed on to the doctors for their expert analysis. Such technology can massively help the elderly and the disabled live their lives more independently.
Smart Environment
The one thing that the current generation talks about a lot, but does so little to make a difference. IoT has the potential to make detecting natural calamities way before they occur, a possibility. It can achieve this by distributed control in specific places of tremors, in case of an earthquake. In addition to this, IoT can be put to use to monitor pollution emitted by cars, toxics gases generated in the farms, and CO2 emission of factories. It can also be used to keep a check on the water level in dams, reservoirs, and rivers.
IPv6 a necessity for IoT
In order for Internet of Things to fully provide its benefits, it requires more IP addresses but IPv4 isn't capable of providing the same. This particular problem has been already taken care off by launching the concept of IPv6 in the IOT.
The IPv6 works for IoT as it ends up expanding the address space to a good 340 undecillion (340×1038). This address space enables that the internet is extended to everything.
Advantages of IoT
In addition to the several applications, IoT comes with a number of advantages.
1) Time: Since in IoT, information gathering is automated, so there's no longer dependency on humans for information, which results in saving vital time.
2) Money: IoT could end up replacing humans who are currently in place for monitoring and maintaining supplies.
3) Information: IOT technology ends up continuously gathering information in order for making the right decisions.
4) Accuracy: Since IoT involves machine-to-machine interaction, it ends up providing better efficiency and more accurate results faster than ever before.
Disadvantages of IoT
1) Privacy: The increased possibility of breach of privacy with IoT is one of the most prominent disadvantages of IoT. All the data needs to be encrypted in order to make sure that personal data does not end up becoming common knowledge to all.
2) Loss of Jobs: Since IoT depends on machine-to-machine interaction, people who are currently into monitoring and maintaining supplies could end up losing their jobs.
3) Over-reliance on Technology: While even now we're very much dependent on technology, this is only expected to increase by many manifolds when IoT comes into play in all its power.