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20 Best Makerspaces In India To Build and Innovate

The value of an idea lies in the using of it.

Imagine having conceived a groundbreaking idea, but being forced to abandon it just due to unavailability of resources and equipments. Well, this was an almost frequent occurrence in India, until recently.

It has been only a few years since India warmed up to the concept of MakerSpaces. Considered as a playground for innovative minds, MakerSpaces are collaborative work areas packed with equipment and tools where people with a bend for invention and innovation can come together under one roof to build, design, create, and engineer new things, products, ideas etc. While there are only few such facilities open in India, a majority of them have opened their doors to people irrespective of their educational qualifications, age or gender.

Since IndianWeb2 believes, India is a land with abundant talent, here we give those talented minds a ticket to make their dreams and innovations come true. Here are the top 20 Maker Spaces in India.

1. Maker’s Asylum

Mumbai and Delhi
Membership: Starts at INR 3500 per month and INR 1700 for students
Contact: Mumbai – 9004686828 | Delhi – 8800093203

Maker's Asylum is a place to be for all aspiring artists, thinkers and engineers. The community MakerSpace is based in Mumbai and Delhi, and allows collaborative ideation. It offers an array of 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, electronics lab and prototyping tools for the purpose of woodworking, robotics, bicycle building and repair, rapid prototyping, open source computer-aided design. In addition to this, it also organises affordable classes for its members to provide them training about specific skills, tools and equipments etc.

Founded by two engineers, Vaibhav Chhabra and Anool Mahidharia, Maker's Asylum is currently in the process of setting up a whole new co-working section for startups and freelancers. Interestingly, what is now regarded as one of India's most popular MakerSpace and has presence in two of the hottest cities in India, was born out of a garage in Bandra, Mumbai.

2. Workbench Project

Membership: Starts at INR 3000 per month | Phone: 9663090123, 9986437433

The Bengaluru based Workbench Project is a premier MakerSpace that has a fabrication lab, also famously known as fab lab, and a co-working space. The big 5000 sq ft. facility was conceived and executed by Anupama Gowda and Pawan Kumar when they realised that India has a dearth of spaces where engineers could really let go, experiment and engineer new things, something which almost every engineer aspires to do, but neglects due to the high costings involved.

Workbench Project offers its members easy access to power tools, CNC's, 3D printers, sewing machine, welding kit and hand tools, so that they can bring alive their vision. In order to maker sure that people from all walks of lives can access the facility whenever they like, the facility is open seven days a week. There are different membership plans for co-working space membership, MakerSpace membership and co-working plus MakerSpace membership.

3. Collab House


Bengaluru & Hyderabad
Membership: Starts from INR 3500 per month
Contact: | Phone: Bengaluru - 8951192943, Hyderabad - 9985258603

Collab House is a collaborative hub that aims to educate, engage, empower and enable individuals, communities and startups to make a real impact in the world. It also allows people to host events, do meetings and join meetups. It supports hacker, maker, start-up and creative activity. Collab House promote technical, scientific and artistic skills through projects and collaboration.

4. JMoon Makerspace


Membership: Starts from INR 3000 per month
Contact: | Phone: 9555956666

JMoon Makerspace in India's capital city Delhi, boosts of being a self-sustaining community space that is open for all passionate makers to access their resources and turn their ideas into reality. It is place meant for for people who like to build, invent or tinker, can socialize and work together with other like-minded people. One can become a JMoon member, improve their skills on the tools and then use the tools for their own projects. The MakerSpace offers tools like Hacksaw, 3D printer, laser engraver, TSOP infrared set, heat gun, and a lot more, so that there's nothing standing in between innovator's ideas and products.

According to JMoon's website, it is India’s FIRST makerspace dedicated to Robotics, Home Automation, Internet of Things, Wearables, 3D Printing and Cosplay.

5. Maker’s Loft


Membership: Starts from INR 3000 per month
Contact: 9830105231

Children are said to be the kind of dreamers who can dream the impossible and then have the passion and zeal to make the impossible, possible. Maker’s Loft is a MakerSpace facility that aims to harness the young creative minds and give them something more than just normal textbook knowledge. It is the first and only ‘makerspace’ in India catering to children as well as adults, according to Maker's Loft website.

With tools like 3D printer and scanner, Google Cardboard, laser cutting machine etc., the MakerSpace proves to be a ideal space for creative children, teenagers and adults to interact and learn from each other.

6. Heramb Maker Lab


Membership: INR 250 for students --to-- INR 1000 for working person
Contact: | Phone: 9819822079

Heramb MakerLab is a place designed to help kids, teenagers, Hobbyists, Enthusiasts to bring their creativity into reality. Situated in heart of the automobile hub PCMC Pimpri, Pune, the makerspace was formed as 3D Printing hub where 3D Printers, 3D Pen had been provided to clients/students for their project work. In year 2015, the maker lab converted its proprietorship business into private limited company.

The facilities include Raspberry Pi, 3D Printing, Digital Furniture Designs and Robotics

7. Chennai Makerspace


Membership: N/A
Contact:| Phone: 9445302000, 8754786026

Founded in July, 2015 to nurture the curiosity and zeal of innovative minds, Chennai Makerspace believes in providing its members creative autonomy coupled with a physical space and tools so that they can easily explore and indulge in their passion. In order to make this happen, the Chennai MakerSpace is stocked with all the necessary tools and equipment that the creative innovators might require to give life to their ideas.

The Chennai MakerSpace is also famous for all the training workshops that they host to polish and diversify the skills of their members. In fact, the space also encourages the members to teach each other the skills and subjects that they're individually proficient in.

8. Vigyan Ashram Fab Lab


Membership: Rs. 500 per year without costs for materials for projects
Contact: 9579734720

Founded in the year 2002, Pune's Vigyan Ashram was the first fab lab established outside MIT. Having received capital equipment by IITK and NSF-USA, the MakerSpace aims to provide the common man with an access to world of technology to design and make their own products. The space has equipment like Laser cutting Machine, Welding station, Roland Milling Machine, 3D printer and scanner, Vinyl cutting machine, Electronic table, hand and power tools.

It has basically two labs, VA Fab Lab at Pabal, which focuses more on the rural crowd, while DIY Lab at Kothrud focuses on the urban crowd. Vigyan Ashram also offers workshops on Raspberry Pi, 3D Printing, Basic Electronics, Arduino, Other DIY Projects, Internet and a Meeting Space.



Membership: Starts from INR 5000 per month
Contact: 9570061382, 9739891520

Taking inspiration from the TechShops and FabLabs of the United States, and considering Bangalore to be having the best ecosystem for engineering and industrial design, IKP Knowledge Park, a not for profit science park, decided to set up such a center in Bangalore. It finally leased out a 25,000 sqft building and named it IKP–EDEN (Engineering, Design and Entrepreneurship Network).

IKP–EDEN offers Private room, Meeting room, Class rooms, Cafe, Coworking space, Internet, Locker facility, Mentorship Services, Funding Access and unlimited access to partners like Gates foundation.

10. CEPT FabLab


Membership: Bring your own material and you can work for free.
Contact: 9825014578

Located within CEPT University, Ahmedabad, FabLab CEPT is co-run by CEPT University and The Motwani Jadeja Family Foundation.

Since CEPT FabLab aims to help the community, the maker space does not charge its members anything and lets them work on their own projects with the material they bring. The facility offers equipments like Circuit Production, 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Laser Cutting/Engraving, Precision Milling and Vinyl Plotter.

11. Fablab Kerala


Trivandrum & Kochi
Membership: INR 3,000 (Individual), INR 5000 (Institutional), INR 10,000 (Coporates) -- Yearly Fees
Contact: Phone - 0471-2700224/270

A Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) is a technical prototyping platform and a small scale workshop started by Kerala Startup Misson (KSUM) with the support of Government of Kerala offering digital fabrication which empowers the users to create smart devices for themselves which can be tailored to local or personal needs. It consists of two MIT USA Electronics Fabrication labs each at Technopark, Trivandrum and Kerala Technology Innovation Zone (KTIZ), Kochi. The fablab in Technopark, Trivandrum is established inside the Indian Institute of Technology and Management- Kerala (IIITM-K).

Besides the basic makerspace amenities, both the fablabs offer certification courses.

12. Nutz & Boltz


Membership: Free (Volunteers), INR 3000 (Students), INR 3000 (Pro) -- Monthly Fees
Contact: 9599587016-18

Nuts and Boltz is basically a community operated makerspace where people with different minds come and work on different disciplines and present their ideas and innovations and exchange their knowledge like machining, art, aeronautics, robotics, digital art, fashion technology, computers, social activities , science projects and education.

The facilities include Electronics, IoT, Woodwork, 3D Prototyping and hand tools among others.

13. Banaao


Membership: INR 300 - INR 9500
Contact: 7042744418

Launched recently, in October this year, Banaao is a platform to promote the maker culture & build a strong community of DIYers & hobbyists in Gurgaon & NCR area. The makerspace specialize in electronics, mechanical and Art & Craft. Banaao offers complete micro-manufacturing services for hardware product development. Moreover, it also offers mentorship & support for incubation.

14. E4D Banjarapalya [Mini Fab Lab]


Website -
Membership: INR 300 - INR 9500
Contact: | Phone:8105874995

Started in 2013 in the Banjarapalya village, outside Bangalore (India), this makerspace is a first of its kind rural tech space, run completely by the local community itself, engaging people from all backgrounds and ages, in a bias free, self-customised environment of learning.

15. Project DEFY (School-based Makerspace)


Bangalore & Mangalore
Membership: Bring your own material and you can work for free.
Contact: | Phone: 8105874995

Project DEFY (Design Education for Yourself) is reaching out to communities who are distraught with the inefficiency of current education systems, and helping them to create their own Nooks – self-learning.

16. The Workshop


Membership: INR 220/hour to INR 8000/2-months
Contact: | Phone: 9673686059/8095219305

The Workshop is a cross-disciplinary design research initiative where designers, innovators, makers, and the curious can explore and pursue their interest in the made world, develop personal projects, conduct academic research and start collaborative projects.

The facilities include 3D Printer, CNC Machine (DIY), Electronics Table, Metal Work Bench, Wood Work Bench, Power tools and Hand tools. Besides, it also offers incubation facility for hardware & design startups.

17. Curiosity Gym


Membership: N/A
Contact: | Phone: 022-22617244

Curiosity Gym is a space for people of all ages and professions, including young students. It provides tools and space for entrepreneurs to work on their own projects as well.

The facilities include 3D Printing, 3D doodling, Woodworking, Automation, IoT, Making Drones, and Wearables.

18. MakersBox - Karnal


New Delhi, Noida and Karnal
Website -
Membership: Rs. 3,500 for casual/professional members | Rs. 1,750 for students
Contact: | Phone: 011-39585454

In October 2015, Harkrishan Singh and Dhruv Bhutani, started MakersBox and were incubated by SproutBox. Later in October, Harpreet Kaur Sapra joined them as a Co-Founder to enable their vision of changing out of school curriculum and help them scale up their venture from an Idea to the first real customer.

Backed by Intel and Haryana Government, the Innovation lab that was inaugurated by Mr. B.L. Chawla, father of Late Kalpana Chawla, first woman of Indian origin in space, is fully fitted with Mechanical Tools, 3D Printers, Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards, computers, Lego Educational Kits, Robotic Kits, High Speed Wireless Internet, MakersBox Courseware and Software.

19. Potential Labs


Membership: N/A
Contact: | 9030033049

Potential Labs is a small research lab in areas of embedded & IT Consulting, Training and Product Development Research Lab (+Hackerspace/Makerspace), and also help makers drive their inner potential.

The facilities include Android, Robotics, Integrating them both, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Embedded Systems, RTOS, VLSI, Cheaper and Affordable Electronics, OpenSource Dev, Philanthrophing, Sustainable Energy and 3D Motion Gestures.

20. Meerut Makerspace


Place: Meerut
Contact: 8791100095, 9412709024

For people bubbling with innovative and creative ideas in and around Meerut, Meerut Makerspace is the saviour you have been longing for so long.

The Meerut Makerspace aspires to fill-up the differences in ideologies of masses and make them technologically updated. While the entire country is wasting precious time by wondering about the scavenge of technological backwardness, the Meerut Makerspace has been developing some really amazing engineered products and investing their energy in doing something constructive rather than cribbing and pinpointing people/government organisations for the teleological backwardness of the country. For example, the space has developed SWARMY, a robotic platform for all, designed primarily for research purposes in the field of swarm intelligence, inter-agent co-ordination and artificial collective flocking.

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