Indian Express Group has announced the launch of (in beta) yesterday, a video-first, multi-platform digital destination for Indian millennials. will be the go-to source for trending, sports, entertainment, digital culture and other millennial-focused content domains - with a video-first approach. New content formats will be the key differentiator - with videos and video story-telling, gifs, memes, audio stories, Timeline formats, Instagram stories and Snapchat stories. The video strategy is going to be opinion led, along with reporting facts in an interesting way. Similarly, memes and gifs will also reflect tonality for respective topics.
The stories are created and curated by a young team with average age being 24 years. Each and every person in the editorial team is a convergent journalist - creates videos, memes, audio stories and Instagram/Snapchat stories.
“ is a big launch for us, we are really excited about the millennial space. The strategy for content discovery is multi-platform, it is not necessary that the content should be discovered on native site. It could be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or Youtube - where Indian millennials are spending long hours. Being video-first makes it totally unique, and the other formats are going to be really exciting for the Indian millennials. We are going to do a lot of experiments, it is a beta launch and we will be constantly innovating”, says Sandeep Amar, CEO (Digital), Indian Express.
“This has been an exciting experience as we get to experiment a lot. On a daily basis, we are constantly thinking about how to tell a story in new forms,” says Kunal Majumder, Editor, InUth. “We are also constantly doing research with millennials in terms of their TOM(top of mind) ideas and trends, basis which we are doing stories and taking constant feedback from them.”
Image : Sandeep Amar, CEO (Digital), Indian Express
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