Bengaluru based, the largest platform for verified homestays and alternate stays in India, today announced the appointment of Anuroop Krishnan as VP, Marketing. Anuroop joins Stayzilla from Truecaller where he was Director, Marketing & Communication and responsible for all brand communication, engagement and growth initiatives.
At Stayzilla, Anuroop will be responsible for driving strategic marketing and communication initiatives. The latest high profile hire comes on the back of former Twitter Director Pankaj Gupta’s appointment as Chief Product and Technology Officer in May 2016. Stayzilla’s recent hires include global talent from companies like Twitter, Truecaller and Flipkart among others.
Speaking about the appointment, Yogendra Vasupal, CEO & Founder, Stayzilla said, “We welcome Anuroop on board and are confident that his marketing expertise will help us scale new heights. We are happy to have innovative minds like Anuroop partner with us in this journey, at this juncture.”
With nearly a decade’s experience in roles across sales, marketing, branding and communications functions, Anuroop was instrumental in shaping Turecaller’s growth in India over the last year, with his marketing efforts. Anuroop has also worked with Nokia during his formative in sales and marketing roles. He has an MBA from XLRI, Jamshedpur and holds an engineering degree in Telecommunication from VTU, Karnataka.
Bengaluru based is the largest platform (website and app) for verified homestays and alternate stays in India. It has more than 55,000 stay options across 4500 towns in the country. The platform caters to both homeowners and travelers looking for differentiated, unique stay experiences.
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