Snapdeal, Indian online marketplace, today announced that it has operationalised six new mega logistics hubs in Delhi-NCR, Lucknow, Hyderabad and Kolkata. The new centres are designed as integrated facilities which will combine warehousing, quality control and transportation within one complex. They will provide one-touch facility to sellers as all processes from receipt of stocks, quality inspection, preparation for dispatch and return handling will be done for designated orders under one roof. The one-touch facility is very efficient for sellers as it reduces costs for them and allows better visibility and control of their stocks.
The six new centres are owned by Vulcan Express, a 100% owned subsidiary of Snapdeal. The investment in infrastructure will help Snapdeal expand and strengthen its logistics network by adding 1 million sq. ft. space, taking the total number of Vulcan owned warehouses to 10.
Commenting on this development, Jayant Sood, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Snapdeal, said, “Super-fast deliveries are an essential part of the Snapdeal experience. The new warehouses are located in cities where demand is growing exponentially and will allow our sellers to hold inventory closer to their customers. These facilities will help us deliver even faster in a cost-effective manner to these cities and to surrounding areas. Adding more warehousing space under SD+ is a part of our larger commitment of making deep investments in improving infrastructure capabilities in the country.”
Snapdeal had recently announced that it now ships 80% of its orders through its fulfilment centres, known as SD+. Sellers who stock at Snapdeal’s fulfilment centres benefit from Snapdeal’s services which help manage inventory, provide expert packaging and track all orders in transit. This has led to the rapid adoption of SD+ among Snapdeal’s 3 lakhs strong seller base.
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