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A book one reads has a profound impact on one's personality and ideology. Whatever may be the genre of a book, one always ends up learning something or the other from a book. They're a really good source of knowledge as well as a great time pass or stress buster.
Being an entrepreneur, one should always try to read as much as one can and imbibe the knowledge/learnings and incorporate those into their business. Since an entrepreneur is always in action, donning several hats at one time to make it through the top, we, at, decided to help these busy bees with their reading lists for another 1-2 years, at least.
1). Book- The Social Animal
Author - Elliot Aronson
Being an entrepreneur, one must understand the nerves of the market and its consumers. Aronson's The Social Animal is one of the best introduction to the concept of social psychology that there is available in the market. A must read for inspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs.
Hailed as one of psychology's greatest, Elliot Aronson is the only living being in the 120-year rich history of the American Psychological Association to have been able to sweep all the three major awards for writing, research, and teaching.
2). Hooked
Author - Nir EyalAn entrepreneur always desires to build a product that encourages people to keep coming back for more. Nir Eyal's Hooked is a phenomenal guide on "how to build habit-forming products." The book carries numerous insights on building products that will make people always come back. The book is certainly SaaS focused, but can prove to be pretty engaging and knowledgeable for entrepreneurs of all types.
3). Think and Grow Rich
Author - Napoleon HillAn all time best selling book, Napoleon Hill's 1937 published book Think and Grow Rich is an account of insights of interviews taken by the Great Depression-era author and former advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt of five hundred of the most successful men the country has ever known.
The book serves as a reminder that one of the only ways to achieve great wealth is by overcoming our emotions and negative mindset that is holding us back.
4). The Fountainhead
Author - Ayn RandA must-must read for inspiring entrepreneurs, The Fountainhead describes entrepreneurial passion as well as the passion of entrepreneurship in the very best way possible.
5). Conscious Capitalism
Authors - John Mackey and Raj SisodiaThe two authors, John Mackey and Raj Sisodia, through their book Conscious Capitalism openly root for a business culture that embodies “trust, accountability, caring, transparency, integrity, loyalty and egalitarianism." De-centralization, empowerment, innovation and collaboration are the four key elements of management ideal, according to the book. A must read for people who think good guys slaying at business is a myth.
6). Business Adventures
Author - John Brooks
One of the most favorite books of Bill Gates and recommended by the great Warren Buffet himself, this book is considered as one of the best business books of all time. In addition to having knowledgeable and inspiring content about the leaders’ strengths and their weaknesses in challenging and difficult situations, the book also covers specifications of one particular business or the other. A must one for entrepreneurs.
7). Increasing Customer Loyalty
Author - Harvard Business ReviewEach one of us has at least one of Harvard Business Review's knowledgeable articles bookmarked on our desktops or mobile, many like me might even have the website favorited and check it every morning for some motivational dose. Well, if you are an ardent follower of Harvard Business Review, then Increasing Customer Loyalty is a must read for you. The book is a stupendous collection of some stellar Harvard Business Review articles on customer loyalty and how to increase it.
Author - Mike Piper, CPA
Since being an entrepreneur means multi-tasking, this particular book is a must to get a grasp of the concept of accounting. The book
concisely explains some of the driest accounting topics that there are in one of the most easy ways possible.
Author - Peter Thiel
The Economist describes the book as a crisply written, rational and practical book that should be read not just by aspiring entrepreneurs but by anyone seeking a thoughtful alternative to the current pervasive gloom about the prospects for the world. It is an important handbook to relentless improvement for big companies and beginning entrepreneurs alike.
Author - Karen Berman, Joe Knight and John Case
"Financing ain't easy, but it's necessary."
The book is a must have for entrepreneurs looking to understand the ABCD of financial statements and be more involved in the finances of their business.
Author - Erika Andersen
Employees can make or break an organization. So, keeping them motivated and happy is necessary to keep the business engine running efficiently. The book offers some great insights on how new founders can help people thrive by pushing them to the best of their capabilities without pushing them away and give them honest, constructive feedback without letting the criticism go too far.
Author - Peter Drucker
One of the most famous books on business management, Peter Drucker's this book has had a central role in popularizing the various ideas related to management at a commonplace. The book talks about important concepts like decision-making, time-management and team-management etc. in detail.
Author - W. Edwards Deming
Out of the Crisis mainly focuses on talking about how an organisation can optimize its productivity and have a grip over its quality control issues. It's hailed as one of the best management books written till date.
Author - Roger Dooley
An author of Brainy Marketing on Forbes and the Neuroscience Marketing blog, Roger Dooley is a pro in the concept of neuro-marketing. Entrepreneurs wanting to explore this genre, should definitely began their study with Brainfluence. The book is an insightful collection of 100 of Dooley's favorite studies on various topics like pricing, loyalty etc.
Author - Clayton Christensen
One of the finest and best selling management innovation and change book currently in the market. According to Business Week, the book is one of the best handbook available for CEOs wanting to remake their businesses for the net.
Author - Warren Edward Buffett
Chairman, CEO and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Edward Buffett is one of the most successful investors in the world. The book, The Essays of Warren Buffet, is an account of Warren Buffet's thoughts/learnings on how a business should be run and contains overviews of the mistakes he has made in his journey and what all the things he would have done differently.
Author - Malcolm Gladwell
A book that roots for snap judgments and mind reading, Blink mainly talks about the importance of the first two seconds of looking--the decisive glance in which one knows what they want in an instant. Since being an entrepreneur one has to take numerous important decisions in a day, the book helps one to perfect the art of decision making.
Author - Guy Kawasaki
One of best handbooks for inspiring entrepreneurs, Guy Kawasaki brilliantly dispels many myths associated with business management and provides a number of practical steps to start and grow a successful business. In order to enhance one's “entrepreneurial quotient”, a special effort has been made to keep the chapters short and thought-provoking.
Author - Ryan Holiday
The Obstacle is the Way is an effort by Ryan Holiday to explain how knowledge and reason are still the highest good that there are in the world. It explains ways through which one can remain indifferent to pain and pleasure and objectively respond to different circumstances that one faces in life.
Author - Chip Conley
In the book, Chip Conley beautifully describes about how his company, Joie De Vivre Hospitality, applied Maslow's much famous theory of human needs to achieve great success in the hotel history. The book basically focuses on the miracle of human potential.
Author - Steven Gary Blank
The book offers some great insights into what makes some startups climb the success ladder. A must read for people working on launching a product in the market market, writing a marketing plan, sales plan or business plan. In order to make people understand the concepts more clearly, the book offers a number of concrete examples.
Author - Robert Coram
John Boyd, considered one of the most remarkable unsung hero in all of American military history, was also one of the greatest thinkers that the world has had till date. Robert Coram in his book Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War defines who Boyd was and how he dealt with problems. The book is almost like a behind the scenes account with a human being who longed to understand the strategy of strategy.
Author - John Medina
The book makes an honest effort in helping people really know and understand themselves and other people. Having a reputation as a master storyteller, John Medina beautifully introduces his readers to 12 principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home and School.
Author- Eugene Schwartz
Written in 1957, Breakthrough Advertising is considered as some of the most sophisticated thinking ever written on human psychology. The book talks about marketing and copy-writing, and is one of the most sought after books on those topics.
Keith Ferraazzi with Tahl Raz
Networking is an important part of the trade, but many entrepreneurs often end up overlooking it. The book Never Eat Alone is an attempt at making people understand the importance of networking and being social. We must say, it is quite a beautiful attempt and read.
So, all you all bibliophile entrepreneurs out there, get to work. You have a lot of reading to do.
[Top Image - Radu Bercan /]
8). Accounting Made Simple
Author - Mike Piper, CPA
Since being an entrepreneur means multi-tasking, this particular book is a must to get a grasp of the concept of accounting. The book
concisely explains some of the driest accounting topics that there are in one of the most easy ways possible.
9). Zero to One
Author - Peter Thiel
The Economist describes the book as a crisply written, rational and practical book that should be read not just by aspiring entrepreneurs but by anyone seeking a thoughtful alternative to the current pervasive gloom about the prospects for the world. It is an important handbook to relentless improvement for big companies and beginning entrepreneurs alike.
10). Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs
Author - Karen Berman, Joe Knight and John Case
"Financing ain't easy, but it's necessary."
The book is a must have for entrepreneurs looking to understand the ABCD of financial statements and be more involved in the finances of their business.
11). Growing Great Employees
Author - Erika Andersen
Employees can make or break an organization. So, keeping them motivated and happy is necessary to keep the business engine running efficiently. The book offers some great insights on how new founders can help people thrive by pushing them to the best of their capabilities without pushing them away and give them honest, constructive feedback without letting the criticism go too far.
12). The Effective Executive
Author - Peter Drucker
One of the most famous books on business management, Peter Drucker's this book has had a central role in popularizing the various ideas related to management at a commonplace. The book talks about important concepts like decision-making, time-management and team-management etc. in detail.
13). Out of the Crisis
Author - W. Edwards Deming
Out of the Crisis mainly focuses on talking about how an organisation can optimize its productivity and have a grip over its quality control issues. It's hailed as one of the best management books written till date.
14). Brainfluence
Author - Roger Dooley
An author of Brainy Marketing on Forbes and the Neuroscience Marketing blog, Roger Dooley is a pro in the concept of neuro-marketing. Entrepreneurs wanting to explore this genre, should definitely began their study with Brainfluence. The book is an insightful collection of 100 of Dooley's favorite studies on various topics like pricing, loyalty etc.
15) Book- The Innovator’s Dilemma
Author - Clayton Christensen
One of the finest and best selling management innovation and change book currently in the market. According to Business Week, the book is one of the best handbook available for CEOs wanting to remake their businesses for the net.
16). The Essays of Warren Buffet
Author - Warren Edward Buffett
Chairman, CEO and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Edward Buffett is one of the most successful investors in the world. The book, The Essays of Warren Buffet, is an account of Warren Buffet's thoughts/learnings on how a business should be run and contains overviews of the mistakes he has made in his journey and what all the things he would have done differently.
17). Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Author - Malcolm Gladwell
A book that roots for snap judgments and mind reading, Blink mainly talks about the importance of the first two seconds of looking--the decisive glance in which one knows what they want in an instant. Since being an entrepreneur one has to take numerous important decisions in a day, the book helps one to perfect the art of decision making.
18). Reality Check
Author - Guy Kawasaki
One of best handbooks for inspiring entrepreneurs, Guy Kawasaki brilliantly dispels many myths associated with business management and provides a number of practical steps to start and grow a successful business. In order to enhance one's “entrepreneurial quotient”, a special effort has been made to keep the chapters short and thought-provoking.
19). The Obstacle Is the Way
Author - Ryan Holiday
The Obstacle is the Way is an effort by Ryan Holiday to explain how knowledge and reason are still the highest good that there are in the world. It explains ways through which one can remain indifferent to pain and pleasure and objectively respond to different circumstances that one faces in life.
20). Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow
Author - Chip Conley
In the book, Chip Conley beautifully describes about how his company, Joie De Vivre Hospitality, applied Maslow's much famous theory of human needs to achieve great success in the hotel history. The book basically focuses on the miracle of human potential.
21). The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Startups That Win
Author - Steven Gary Blank
The book offers some great insights into what makes some startups climb the success ladder. A must read for people working on launching a product in the market market, writing a marketing plan, sales plan or business plan. In order to make people understand the concepts more clearly, the book offers a number of concrete examples.
22). Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War
Author - Robert Coram
John Boyd, considered one of the most remarkable unsung hero in all of American military history, was also one of the greatest thinkers that the world has had till date. Robert Coram in his book Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War defines who Boyd was and how he dealt with problems. The book is almost like a behind the scenes account with a human being who longed to understand the strategy of strategy.
23). Brain Rules
Author - John Medina
The book makes an honest effort in helping people really know and understand themselves and other people. Having a reputation as a master storyteller, John Medina beautifully introduces his readers to 12 principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home and School.
24). Breakthrough Advertising
Author- Eugene Schwartz
Written in 1957, Breakthrough Advertising is considered as some of the most sophisticated thinking ever written on human psychology. The book talks about marketing and copy-writing, and is one of the most sought after books on those topics.
25). Never Eat Alone
Keith Ferraazzi with Tahl Raz
Networking is an important part of the trade, but many entrepreneurs often end up overlooking it. The book Never Eat Alone is an attempt at making people understand the importance of networking and being social. We must say, it is quite a beautiful attempt and read.
So, all you all bibliophile entrepreneurs out there, get to work. You have a lot of reading to do.
[Top Image - Radu Bercan /]