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PT Usha Joins Health & Fitness Platform – Fitso as an Advisory Head Coach

The queen of Indian track and field – PT Usha joins the health and fitness Platform – Fitso as an advisory Head Coach overviewing all training activities on the platform.

The major traction for Ms. PT Usha to join the platform is to help developing the right training plans for all the users on the platform. Fitso is one such platform, which helps you to get a personalized training for all your health and fitness needs like weight loss, weight gain, gaining muscles and running.

Fitso’s personal coaches (Nutritionists, Fitness Trainers, Running Coaches) prepare customized plans keeping the user's lifestyle and goal in mind, further guide them via online chat & telephonic/skype calls. They design plans to enable users to do their workouts anywhere-anytime. No need for a gym membership or expensive equipment, just use their own bodyweight for training and eat right.

Speaking about the association, Ms. PT Usha said, “I am overwhelmed seeing the work developments at Fitso. It’s a method of training prevalent in Western countries from long time and now is fast adoption in India. I always feel health and fitness awareness was missing in Indian culture. Activating common people to get healthy and especially women from all walks of life to improve their health, maintain their weight and start doing some exercises is something which was unattended till now.

“We are really proud to have PT Usha being associated with Fitso. Fitso’s focus is to make India a healthy nation and with the support of Ms. PT Usha, we feel more confident to bring permanent solutions to weight loss, diabetes and other health problems by making people take care of their diet and follow regular exercises schedules”, said Saurabh Aggarwal, Co-Founder, Fitso.

With the association, Fitso and Ms. PT Usha is trying to revolutionize the health and fitness space especially for women. Together they are trying to provide training sessions for free to the users on the platform to move them a step further towards a healthier self.

In the near future, Fitso will be associating with many more role models who will be instrumental in promoting health and wellness for the citizens and with the most sustainable solution in place, Fitso will strive to bring the positive change in the life of millions of users. Fitso will very soon be coming up with FAQs and specific training plans for women so as to address their problems in robust way.
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