PressPlay TV, India’s leading video discovery platform from across 100+ of India’s top content creators, today announced today that it has raised an undisclosed amount of funding from SD Ventures. This investment will help fund its further expansion of its hotspot services and also accelerate further development of its content discovery and distribution platform. Currently millions of smartphones and PC/Laptop users in India enjoy PressPlay TV’s offerings - Movies, TV shows, trending/viral internet videos across news, fashion, comedy, and high quality curated content – spanning across 150+ content partners & channels available to stream over the internet.

"PressPlay TV has experienced tremendous growth over the last year and is establishing itself as a leading platform for content discovery and distribution in India. We’re excited to partner with them and support them in their journey", said Ivan Pakhorukov Investment Director at SD Ventures.

“Over the last 2 years, we have been working tirelessly to get the two industries – Entertainment & Distribution – married together in a meaningful way. I am very happy & excited to welcome on board our new investors. This investment will support our continued growth, as well as the ongoing development of new features and products, keeping us at the forefront of innovation," said Anand Sinha, Co-founder at PressPlay TV.

Rich, localized content The PressPlay TV Hotspot network, already 3000 strong, is engaging users across platforms. The company is delivering highly localized content across geographies, keeping in view the audience preferences. PressPlay TV is aggressively tying-up and getting into licensing arrangements with leading developers across genres to increase the depth of their offering - from large media houses & production houses to individual content developers, from news channels to stand-up comedians. A dedicated team curates the content to deliver an unmatched and convenient experience to the users.

An independent OTT Platform - PressPlay TV is one of the very few OTT platforms that are independent, unlike most that are promoted or have an allegiance to a content developer (Company or a media house). The PressPlay TV content bouquet is well spread out. The company is aggressively tying-up and getting into licensing arrangements with leading developers across genres to increase the depth of their offering - from large media houses & production houses to individual content developers, from web series creators to stand-up comedians. To further embellish the content bouquet PressPlay TV has added licensed content from some of the top companies in India viz. Lehren TV, Sun Network, Sony India, Fever 104 to name a few.

Image Source: ShutterStock

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