ShabdaNagari,a social media start up catering to the niche Hindi content consuming audience, raised an undisclosed amount of bridge funding from ah! Ventures. Through ah! Ventures the start up has been strongly backed by key investors like Yogesh Chaudhary from Jaipur Rugs, Anirudh Damani from Artha Energy Project and Abhimanyu Singh from TaskUs.
A brainchild of 3 founders, Amitesh Misra, Nikhil Tiwari and Amaresh Chandra Misra, with varied core competencies, gives ShabdaNagari its entrepreneurial and executional edge over the others. Amitesh Misra is a 2007 IIT Bombay alumnus comes with a rich corporate experience of working with numerous multinational organizations prior to entering the entrepreneurial circuit. Nikhil Tiwari, a B-Tech in Information Technology, is one of the key cornerstones in the enterprise as his par excellence programming skills. He helps the platform offer one of the best user experiences to the audience. Amaresh Chandra Misra, a lawyer with over 25 years of experience, offers the enterprise a completely different and vital support in terms of compliance and legal aspects. ShabdaNagari, now has a strong team of 15 employees and has recently included 2 new promoters, Kalpnesh Gupta and Gopal Sutwala, who primarily handle the marketing activities of the company.
The startup has, in a short span of time, witnessed around 2 lakh unique hits and 8 lakh page views on the platform and high downloads of the ShabdaNagari Android App launched last September, this fresh round of funding proves to be a much needed fuel. The company aims to utilize the funds mainly for its product development, marketing and promotional activities.
Commenting on ShabdaNagari as an offering to the ever growing Hindi speaking market, co - founder, Amitesh Misra says, "ShabdaNagari is the first platform on internet that offers social media services in Hindi. Competition in this space is scarce and still catching up. ShabdaNagari has a number of benefits on ease of access and usability. Availability of 5 different input options for typing Hindi on the platform is the one of the biggest advantages on ShabdaNagari over others". With more than 80% of the traffic coming from India and around 10% coming from USA, UAE and Canada, this platform is seeing a surge in the number of users on the domestic as well as on the international front.
In addition to the ah! Angels like Yogesh Chaudhary, Anirudh Damani and Abhimanyu Singh, ShabdaNagari has also been backed by investors like Abhishek Singhania from the JK Group, Manoj Agrawal from Kanpur Plastipack and Rakesh Suri from Suri Shoes.
With internet usage on a continuous rise in tier II cities and villages of India, consumption of vernacular content shall inevitably be on the rise. ShabdaNagari is ready to be the forerunner in catering to this market and is in the process of making a few branding revamps to connect with the audience in a better and a simpler way.
With 15 employees, this Kanpur based start up has already received around 2 lakh unique hits and 8 lakh page views on the platform.
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