HP, one of the most famous and reliable printer company in the world, has finally decided to embrace the third dimension world.
According to the latest announcement made by the company itself, it will be soon releasing two industrial 3D printers, Jet Fusion 3200 and 4200, that will be capable of producing objects at a speed ten times faster and a cost half as expensive as any similar printer currently in the market. The printers will be able to churn out good quality ready-to-use products, but unfortunately these wonder printers aren't meant for average office or home use as their range will start at a staggering $130,000.
It has been a long time that HP, maker of World's biggest printer, has been teasing the tech enthusiasts with its 3D printer plans for quite sometime. Recently, during a 3D printing conference held in the New York City, the company had demonstrated how a plastic chain it had printed on its prototype 3D printing machine was strong enough to lift a car.
According to a statement given by HP’s head of 3D printing, Stephen Nigro, the production model prints can be expected to have the same level of reliability and durability. He further divulged, that almost 50 percent of the parts for the printer will be printed by one of the printers itself. The company is looking to create a printer that prints itself.
In the beginning, the company had decided to focus entirely on machines that would have been able to printout reliable plastic products, but it has now decided to launch a “material app store” using which the third-party companies will be able to develop materials for the Jet Fusions printers. These materials sill then be vetted by HP and sold at their stores.
Currently, HP is also in midst of testing printing machines that can also print integrated circuits. It has actually done the same chain test, but this time with embedded circuits printed in that clearly showed the strain and stress that the chain was suffering.
According to Nigro, the company is also planning on printing metals on its printers in the future, but that won't be happening anytime soon. "Metals is a research project for us," he stated. Further, the tech giant is also laying its focus on researching on printers that will be able to print out multiple materials all at once. HP's current focus is completely on producing machines that will be able to produce products that are ready to use.
While 3D printers available in the market till now have been successful in grabbing the eyeballs, they have somehow not been able to meet the high expectations of the people. Most of the 3D printers are just used for prototyping, as they haven't been able to print quickly at scale, or haven’t printed with materials that can last long.
Both the Fusion printers will have a printing bed that allows them to print roughly 2,500 1.5-inch plastic gears in about 10 hours time. According to Nigro, the above mentioned printers will be little cheaper on the pocket when compared to the ones that have already been launched in the market. Further, he also acknowledged the fact that in certain cases, they might be able to replace traditional manufacturing processes, wherein molds of products need to be manufactured.
HP's corporate partners like Nike,Siemens and BMW, will be the first ones to lay their hands on the printers. All of the corporates are looking forward to integrating 3D printing into their production lines. Everyone else who desire to own the 3D marvel will have to wait by the end of 2016. Well, don't be disappointed. If you really want to experience the 3D beauty benefits before the end of the year, there is one way to achieve that: Shapeways, a company that sells 3D printing services, and 3D-printed objects, will be among the firsts to get Jet Fusion.
For people hoping that HP would one day produce desktop 3D printers, that an average person would be able to buy on Amazon or any other e-commerce website, HP doesn't disappoints here as well. According to Nigro, the company has a roadmap to get its solutions into smaller environments.
[Top Image - Shutterstock]
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