Has your phone become overcrowded with the plethora of apps you have installed to fulfil a number of your needs? Do you cringe every time you have to uninstall one of your precious apps because your phone doesn't have enough space? If your answer to both the above mentioned questions is affirmative, then Facebook has good news for you.
At its recently held annual developer conference, Facebook introduced the world to chatbots (short for chat robots). These new bots will soon be added to Facebook's messenger app and let the user perform simple functions like order a meal, hail a cab, book a hotel, and much more right through the messenger app through text chatting.
With this, Facebook is looking to transform the way people currently use smartphones. It's hopeful that with chatbots coming in the picture, people can now ditch the standalone apps that they currently depend on for one small command and switch to Facebook Messenger.
This new feature by Facebook could also be of great help to local businesses and save them the trouble of wasting their money and time in building standalone mobile applications. These businesses could hold a greater online presence if they decided to adopt Chatbots' services.
Interestingly, Facebook isn't the first one to embrace the concept of chat robots. WeChat has been using chatbots for quite some time now and have gained great popularity among Smartphones users because of its this feature. Further, other companies coming up with new bots platform of their own include Microsoft, Kik and Line.