
slide 23 to 28 of 12 Recommends Phones & Apps Based On Your Personas


Buying a phone these days is such a hassle, with so much variety at hand. You ask for one and they will show you 20 models with slight differences. Phones these days boast of features, some of which we don't even understand. A phone is one gadget that you carry around with you all day, so it is important to get the right one. Bengaluru-based startup Mobiorbit Labs created Smartly.Me app along the same lines. Dig in for more.



This is an app that helps you make informed decisions regarding which android smartphones to buy and then later on helps you personalize it with the best available apps and features as well. It will help you by suggesting tips & tricks to make your smartphone smarter through personalized recommendations. They intend to be the solution for all your smart phone related need for now, and later on move to smart gadgets.

App -



There are three co-founders for this startup - Muralidhar Rajan, Palash Patil and Santosh Prabhu

The founders have been working together for more than a decade and have handled varied roles from engineering, roadmap planning, QA, project management to post sales support in the Indian mobile industry. The team has already filed 5 patents with the Indian PTO related to the Smartly.Me product.


Confused on which Android smartphone to buy?
Not sure how to discover the right apps for you?
Not sure how to get the best out of your smartphone?

If you've ever asked yourself the above questions, you are a part of their target market. They target any and every person with a smart phone of thinking about buying one.


The last couple of years have seen a lot of new entrants into the phone market and to compete with them the already existing companies also came up with a variety of phones. The market now is flooded with phones of different prices, features and design. This makes it harder for an individual to decide which phone is better for him/her. For example, there are more than 80 phones in the INR 15,000 to 20,000 price range, with similar specifications, making it extremely difficult to make the right choice. It is different from other websites offering the same information as it provides extensive information about various products. It is this clutter that Smartly.Me tries to clear, by ensuring that every user finds the right phone which matches the user’s requirements.

Smartly.Me when installed on an Android phone, can within seconds, analyze the usage of the phone and through intelligent algorithms, predict the kind of persona that user is. This is then followed by a set of personalized smartphone recommendations, with relevant justification. All this happens in less than a minute.


They are currently self bootstrapped and trying to raise their first round of funding.


In the first three months after they launched they received about 10k downloads itself. The vision of the app is to be a one stop solution for all aspects related to smartphones keeping personalization as the key focus. They are currently focusing just on smart phones and later will move on to smart gadgets as well. The next feature that they want to add is a chat forum so that the users can interact with each other and have discussions and recommend things to each other as well.

Also they plan to associate with various smart phone brands in an attempt to get them on board to communicate the right product information to the users and ensure that they are providing information that people can rely on.

Talking about the apps front, they want to connect users to the best apps and games on a personal. They want to recommend games and apps to a user based on his/her interest, so that it  is not just what has been trending but what is actually useful to the user.
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