Privacy was once considered the most priced feature of social media but with the technological advancements happening around, this feature has suffered a serious hit in its reputation. Nowadays, social media leaks have become a part of our lives. In order to make sure that our private messages remain private, a Hyderabad based startup has developed a special type of keyboard mobile app called StealthTap.
Using StealthTap, one can send PRIVATE Messages in any Mobile Chat MESSENGER.
Yes, any messenger. Almost all the tech products that we use nowadays, (Chat messengers, Social Media, keyboards, etc.), leave a very minimal opportunity for privacy. Understanding the need of privacy, at least in person to person messaging, the makers came up with StealthTap.
To all those thinking that StealthTap is like any other messaging app in the tech town, you're mistaken. The app wouldn't require you to add your friends on the app in order to carry out your private conversations. The app in fact, has the capability to turn any of the current messenger that you use the most, into a private messaging app.
The keyboard app is super easy and fun to use. Using the app, one can send private messages, share secrets or send sensitive and confidential data without any concern in any chat messenger be it WhatsApp, Kik, iMessage, Facebook Messenger or Hangouts. All you need is to replace the keyboard on your phone with StealthTap Keyboard. The app is available for both Android as well as iPhone users.
StealthTap keyboard uses ultra secure and virtually un-hackable AES-128 encryption to lock your messages
In the future, the app will have image encryption as well, in its offerings.
Launched on October 15, 2015, the app has already successfully added more than 500 users to its StealthTap family.
The app has been developed by Vinvar Soft Pvt. Ltd., a startup based out of Hyderabad, founded by Varun and Vinay. An alumnus of BITS, Pilani, Varun is a software engineer by profession with over six years of experience in mobile app development. His passion is to find easy tech solutions for everyday problems. On the other hand, Vinay is extremely passionate about developing iOS and Android applications. Having had experience in Moxtreme, KeyPoint technologies and Motorola , Vinay is currently handling the profiles of Product Manager and Mobile Application architect at StealthTap.