Microsoft on Monday launched the slimmed down version of its latest Personal computer Operating system, Microsoft Windows 10 Internet of Things (IoT) core. Meant for development boards, the latest version will be of a great help to entrepreneurs, developers and students who are looking to develop software for internet-connected devices.
First announced in February this year, the light version is not meant for smartphones, but designed to function on Arduinos, and Raspberry Pi 2 boards. According to a blog post announcement by the software giant, Microsoft Windows 10 now brings support for MinnowBoard Max (MBM board) and Raspberry Pi 2, which is a $35 Linux-based tiny computer.
Microsoft has also added support for open-source Arduino in order to let the light new edition of OS communicate with Arduino boards. Reportedly, the company has also gone on to include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support, and made a massive improvement in the General Purpose Input-output performance for Raspberry Pi 2.
With the latest edition of the OS, Microsoft aims to offer a unified code base across all types of computers, which can help developers transform dumb objects into smart ones.
The new Microsoft Windows 10 IoT core also comes with support for programming languages, such as, JS, C#, VB and C++ as well as debugging. It also supports Node.js and Python.
The latest version of the OS will allow people to create apps for embedded devices such as connected appliances, toys or anything that one might be able to think up using the Windows ecosystem.
People interested in the new OS can download it from the Windows development center. However, the new Microsoft Windows 10 IoT core requires the July 29 versions of Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10 to function properly.
Officially, the only way to install Windows 10 IoT Core is with a computer running Windows 10. There are a few ways around this is with the ffu2img project on GitHub. This Python script takes the special Microsoft .FFU image file format and turns it into an .IMG file that can be used with dd under *nix and Win32DiskImager on Windows.
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