
Chandigarh-Based CA-Turned-Entrepreneur Put Dabba (Tiffin-box) Service Online


Moving to a new city is tough but what is tougher is coping with the loss of your mom's home cooked loved-filled meals. One of the major problems that one faces while moving to another city or becoming independent is the problem of food.

Eating out every time is not an option given the huge amount of travelling cost involved. In such situations, most of us settle for dabba services that promise to give us the best of both worlds, the taste of home cooked food away from home and that too at a much cheaper rate than any other restaurant.

Anyone who has tried to avail a dabba service knows that finding a decent dabba place near your house or office is no easy task.While finding a dabba service, the priority is to find the one which offers good food at a decent price but in order to do so; one has to go through a tedious process of calling each and every service separately and comparing their price and menu.

This would have been your condition too a few months ago but with — SendMyTiffin you can leave your dabba (Tiffin-box) services problem behind forever.

[caption id="attachment_99216" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Anuj Jain (left) founder of during launch in Chandigarh Anuj Jain (left) founder of during launch in Chandigarh[/caption]

Launched by a Chandigarh based charted accountant, Anuj Jain, the website brings tiffin services from Chandigarh, Panchkula, Zirakpur and Mohali on one single platform. Currently, Anuj has tied up 20 local tiffin service providers across cties like Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur and Chandigarh.

"It is an unorganised sector with only random numbers listed online and in a scattered way. Hardly anyone has their own dedicated website and there’s no information regarding menus either,” said Jain in a statement to Indian Express.
The website is quite interactive and easy to use. The listings include the menu, location and price of the dabba.

"We take online payments but the delivery starts in three to four days. As a special initiative, the vendors are offering a five-day paid trial offer so that the customer is not bound to eat the food for a month if the taste and service are not up to the mark,” added Jain .

A customer can book dabba services for all three meals of the day. Talking about future plans Jain said, "We will look at offering reviews from customers as well. The online food market has a huge potential with 200 million Internet users in India. We are also working on a mobile application that would enable customers to place orders on their phones too."

The Chandigarh-based startup is looking to increase number of tiffin service providers listing on website by 10-20% month on month by exploring and catering to moving to new locations.

Bootstrapped & Self-funded, as of now is a sole proprietorship owned by Anuj Jain. Anuj Jain is a chartered accountant with over 10 years experience in field of Accounting and Finance.
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