Back in 2006, Twitter was created by its founders - Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass and over the time it becomes one of the most successful startups of all time.
One of its co-founder Christopher Isaac "Biz" Stone popularly known as Biz Stone is guy who before creating Twitter also helped to create and launch other startups such as - 'Xanga', a weblog community platform and 'Odeo', a podcast publishing and aggregation online service. After Xanga and Odeo, Stone played pivotal role in creating twitter. However, he didn't really stop his enthusiasm for creating new startups and apps after Xanga, Odeo and Twitter. He effortlessly managed to develop few good fun online service though not many people knew about these apps as much as Twitter.
Below are few apps and online service that was created by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone:
Image based Q&A platform
In January 2014, Biz Stone announced release of the Jelly app, a Q&A platform that relies on images currently available on iOS and Android. The app was created by Stone along with Ben Finkel. The Jelly app differentiates itself from other Q&A platforms such as Quora and ChaCha by relying on visual imagery to steer people to getting better answers from within and outside their social networks. In particular, it encourages people to use photos to ask questions.
The idea for Jelly is a complete re-imagining of how we get answers to queries based on a more human approach. Jelly is a mobile application that uses photos, interactive maps, location, and most importantly, people to deliver answers to queries. On a fundamental level, Jelly helps people.
In an interview with Bloomberg News, Stone said that he never intended to create a company with Jelly, and that it was largely accidental. In May 2013, long before Jelly app was even launched and while still in stealth mode, Jelly raised Series A funding from Spark Capital, SV Angel, Square CEO Jack Dorsey, Reid Hoffman, Al Gore, Bono, and others. And hardly two weeks after its launch Jelly announced that it had raised Series B funding from Greylock Partners.
Sharing random thoughts with photos
In November 2014, just after 10 months of releasing Jelly app Biz Stone releases yet another fun app called - 'Super', currently available on iOS and Android. The app allows you to create and share images mashed up with stylized text for sharing with the world. The app allows you to create and share images and video mashed up with stylized text.
Setting up Supper is quick just enter your username and real name, confirm your phone number, let it scan your contacts to help you find friends, and shoot a selfie as a profile pic. Super might then put some goofy sunglasses grahphic over your camera window so you can then line them up on you face. If Wikipedia is for facts, and Quora is for answers, Super wants to be the home for opinions.
Super also has an anonymous element, like Secret, called "anonymish" where you can throw a switch when posting that removes your username from the post. However, people could figure out who you are though, as the app isn't designed as an anonymous sharing platform.
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