Business Insider's IGNITION event that took place last week was a huge success. At the event, Henry Blodget, CEO, Business Insider threw some light on the future of the digital landscape. He even pointed out some important trends in the digital space that have caught his attention. For example, he pointed out to the fact that nowadays more than a quarter of the internet traffic comes from tablets and Smartphones. He even took the names of the two big internet properties that are responsible for such a huge amount of traffic on these devices.
According to data acquired from a Sandvine report that was charted for US by BI Intelligence, YouTube and Facebook accounted for nearly 40 percent of all the mobile traffic in North America for the month of September.
Out of this 40 percent figure, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook accounted for 19 percent of the mobile traffic and YouTube came a close second with 18 percent. The third position was acquired by “general web traffic” through web browsers, at 11 percent.
According to Mark Hoelzel from BI Intelligence, advertisements make up a big percentage of YouTube’s and Facebook’ s traffic, since autoplay video advertisements increase the mobile data demands on these social networking sites.