
Itzz.Me - A Smart Way To Send Messages That Your Friends Will Definitely Read


Well you know how you have to open your email inbox to check an email on your phone? or you have to open up your text message inbox to read a text. Well none of that is needed with a push message. It appears right on the home screen and is fastest way to read a message is reading without unlocking your phone. It wont cost more than 5 secs to read a push message, so anyone will be ready to spend that tiny factor of time for a message. Which means whatever message you send get's seen 98% of the time

Till now a lot of Advertisers used to nag mobile users with 'Push Messaging' now you can use this Push Messaging technology to send your friends messages with a new messaging app called - IttzMe, this app will send messages as push notifications. Itzz.Me is available in both Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Itzz.Me allows its users to send push messages to their friends. You can send message to your friend just by @mentioning his/her handle in the message (Eg: "Hi @vasanth"). You can send group message just by @mentioning as many recipients as you want. You can even add a new contact just by sending a message to that handle, for example - "Hi @tom @thomas @vasanth how are you guys?"

itzzme demo

Your message is not stored anywhere in any server, not even temporarily. If you didn't receive your messages in a day then they are lost forever.

Other messaging apps like WhatsApp, Line, WeChat and Viber require internet connection via WiFi or 3G/4G services whereas IttzMe doesn't require internet connection and moreover when you send messages via WhatsApp or other such services the recipients requires to open app and then go to inbox to read the messages which is not in the case of ItzzMe, recipients do not require to open the inbox the message flashes on home screen however unlike WhatsApp you cannot send pictures or videos via IttzMe, this is one demerit that IttzMe have.


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