Hurried and unhealthy meals, working late, incomplete sleep – this defines the so-called tech generation. The result? A host of lifestyle diseases that threatens to be the next epidemic. Alivemeter brings a technology-driven online platform, empowering people to take complete charge of their health. What better message on World Diabetes Day!
Leveraging the power of Internet, Mumbai-based Alivemeter is online health startup which enables people to assume the driver's seat in the matters of health, through a medium that they are most comfortable with. This allows people to take measurable steps towards wellness, on their own terms. Alivemeter is bootstraped startup with no external funding.
Tanushri, founder of felt that in the pursuit of professional and personal success, people seem to be forgetting their health.
Tanushri have an overall 12 years experience in corporate world, she coined the idea of Alivemeter from her personal experiences. "Having spent over a decade in corporate world and thought there is a need gap for a service like alivemeter. From germination of the thought to actually taking it live, there are involvement of many individuals who brought their skills and expertise to make this happen." said Tanushri on how she envisaged the Alivemeter as successful online health tool.
"World Diabetes Day was established with a vision to create awareness of increasing incidence of diabetes. The most common form, type II diabetes is a lifestyle disease, and so are obesity, heart disease and high BP. We realized that even though people would like to shrug off their sedentary lifestyles, they needed a simpler way of doing this. This laid the foundation for Alivemeter," said one of the founders.
She continued, "Globally, the search for health-related information is one of the highest. 4 out of 5 web users look for health information, that’s a whopping 80%. However, not all these searches end in providing care. When we turn to the web for anything and everything, why not leverage Internet for health too!"
A brainchild of corporate professionals, the Alivemeter team also includes graduates from IIT and other leading institutions of India.
Right from providing reliable health information to smart health management tools, Alivemeter allows members and their families to be at the centre of their health and wellness. Members can set health goals, track their performance, identify their health problems, and much more.
This NextGen platform also provides members access to leading doctors (MD), with whom they can interact for expert consultation. Members can share their medical history and reports with doctors, who diagnose the condition and offer guidance for the appropriate course of action.
In addition to doctors, Alivemeter members can connect with other healthcare professionals for a holistic lifestyle. Members can have their own personal nutritionist, who guide, encourage and follow-up to achieve their health goals.
By allowing direct access to healthcare professionals, Alivemeter endeavors to bridge the widening gap between consumers and healthcare stakeholders. This in turn will increase the efficiency and quality of care delivered.
As part of its launch, Alivemeter has offered the first 1000 registrants the benefits of premium membership for free until 31 Jan 2014.
Reflecting on this initiative, one of the founders said, "We are positive that our offerings will be a great value addition to our customers. We look forward to hearing their experiences with our platform. The free premium membership is part of our initiative to receive their feedback, so that we can further improve the overall experience."